Séamus Ahearne: IT’S NOT YET DARK (Simon Fitzmaurice – on MND)

The Russians and the Oireachtas:

My friend (John Mooney) wrote in The Sunday Times that the Russians had ‘captured’ a member of the Oireachtas. He also wrote of the possibility that Christy Kinahan was being ‘used’ by some country and that is how he is protected. I don’t know. But I begin to despair of our humanity at present, that the Russians can continue in the Ukraine and that the Kinahans of this world, are allowed to pollute and destroy so many. I despair. I do.

The 7th October and following:

And then there was the 7th October. The first anniversary. Of Hamas invading Israel. The awfulness of what they did, and continue to do (through) the hostage situation,  is shocking. The awfulness of what the Israelis have been doing, since the 7th October, in Gaza and the West Bank and then in Lebanon, is also shocking. As a people who should have learned from the awfulness of the Nazis, they don’t seem to have done so. Some of us felt that more humanity is expected from the Israelis. (From their history). With all the bombing and destruction Gaza can still launch rockets. As can Hezbollah. In the midst of poverty how is it possible to have such armaments? But then again, how can a people, any people, manage to pay for such arms? Professor Mohammad Marandi (Tehran University) spoke with absolute clarity on the apartheid of the West in regard to Palestine. He saw no wrong in what Hamas had done or what Hezbollah is doing or what Iran is up to. His clarity was frightening. ‘Where have all the flowers gone? When will they ever learn?’ Applies to everyone. It is sometimes very difficult to comprehend how human beings can be so stupid, and so vicious to each other. And then so many claim God as their overall guide. ‘The Live and Let Live’ is the only principle possible. Yes. I despair. And then I look at the graciousness and goodness and Godliness of the ordinary folk. This rescues me.

The Synod and Tim Radcliffe:

The Synod is in session. Did I ever think from some of my playful past, that Tim Radcliffe would be the one offering Reflections to the Synodal gathering, and now would be named a Cardinal. I am delighted on both counts. He is refreshing. He has especially learned so much, from his own sickness. He was always fearless and provocative. But now there is a particular depth and urgency to what he has to say. This whole model of Synod and how we can be as church is miraculous in its vision. Some of us were accused of trying to impose a democratic way of doing church, but this methodology, is way in advance of democratic means. However, I was rather amused at a request from HQ,  that we would use a Second Collect at Mass during the month of the Synod. For God’s sake, will people get sense. The utter stupidity of our own usual Collects should make us happy to use the Prayer for the Synod in its stead. Doubling up is complete nonsense. In accountancy, in the older times, we used to talk of Double Counting!

Tradespeople: Are they overpaid? Are most people?

Every home. Every parish. Every business. Is always caught up in the need to call in tradesmen (women). I was thinking then recently, it might be a good idea to check with Leinster House on their experience with tradespeople. After all, they must be one of the great employers. They have learned so much. Now I know they are experts on Bicycle Sheds or Security Huts. Now our need here at present might not be for such sheds or huts, but surely they would know better anyway, on everything that needs doing in a big organisation. We find it is hard to get someone to do anything. It is very expensive to get anything done. In fact, I think many are overpaid for their work. I see some people now are on strike, because they want pay to go to work, beyond getting paid for doing the work. Now I have a few people here who come to sort out the heating. Or the sound. Or the leaking roof. They tell me that the whole system needs to be replaced but that it would be too expensive. And of course they won’t charge at all. The get out the sticking plaster!  I had to call out a TV repair person recently. One fellow came eventually. He looked at the TV. It needs a new box. He said. Call another fellow. He knows about such things. Both had to be paid on the call out. I wasn’t inclined to trust any of them.

A fly on the wall documentary:

I was doing a funeral this morning. The four girls (daughters) were brilliant. Their father had been sick for 18 years. He had called the ambulance. He wanted to get to hospital. He then wanted to go to the Hospice. He told them how he wanted everything for his funeral. His main concern was that he didn’t want to cause his girls any more trouble. They had their own lives to lead. He was totally at peace. They had to let him go. It was a beautiful experience to be with those girls. I told the crowded church that I almost hated the word AMAZING. It is overused. Everything is amazing. Everyone is amazed. It begins to be meaningless. In this case, those girls and their father Paddy, were amazing! I told the crowd that I was doing ‘a fly on the wall’ documentary. I would highlight (as an outsider) some aspects of Paddy’s life. It worked. Everyone deserves a story. Every family needs to have the person respected as a unique individual. The Fly on the Wall documentary idea allows some of the story to be highlighted.

Pet hates:

I have few more pet hates: Amazing. The Hi – introduction, on letters and emails. I want to shout. The missing or floating or misplaced apostrophes. (Really? Ed) The ‘love you’ greetings with the response, ‘love you too!’  

The curse of today, Meetings.

I recall many years ago, the Anglicans telling us in England: ‘Beware and Be-aware of what you wish for.’ They were warning us, that as the Catholic Church began to share out the responsibility in the management of religion in life  that we were going to give birth to a monster; to an outbreak or pandemic of Meetings. We would be overwhelmed. That we would have no more time left to do anything. We would lose our focus on the pastoral and on the personal. We would be dragged into business and management speak. It is happening. We really have to be very selective and very efficient, in how we process everything. We have to minimise Meetings and to make sure that the ones we have, are done properly and effectively.

The Relics of Bernadette and the Divine Mercy:

Recently, the Relics of St Bernadette arrived close by. It was a huge event. People loved it. The schools gathered. Crowds appeared. It was a wonderful experience. Now I didn’t attend. I admire what happened. I am moved by the effect it had on so many. But I wonder. I arrived in a church for Mass last week. I was asked by Dermot (Sacristan)  if I wanted the Mass of the day or Faustina. My response provoked laughter in the Sacristy. ‘That wan.’ Anyway out of deference to the crowd present, I did include some words on the said lady. The Mass isn’t about me; it is the celebration of those present. I was happy that the garish picture wasn’t in evidence.

Truth Social

Truth Social is America’s ‘Big Tent’ social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating. That is the description by themselves of what Trump’s platform is. I presume it is a joke or at least it is ironic that Donald Trump would be associated with the Truth.  What a mad, mad world it is, that Donald, who clearly is a stranger to the Truth, can be allowed such a platform. Fake News indeed.

Poverty indeed?

A definition of Poverty: (From one of our prominent members in the community here). It is having to buy thin toilet tissue (instead of soft tissue) and having to buy white bread, instead of brown bread. The said lady got a new job and now could afford… such luxuries as Soft tissues and brown bread!

Seamus Ahearne osa 8th October 2024.

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