This Evening at 8.00pm! – ACI and ACP Zoom presentation: Seán McDonagh on Synodality, the Parish and Climate Change

Synodality, the Parish and Climate Change

Seán McDonagh SSC  

Supported by 

The Association of Catholic Priests 

Zoom – Jan 27th 2022 – 8.00 p.m.

As the global climate crisis deepens, so does the crisis of the Irish Catholic church – intensified unexpectedly by a viral pandemic.

Faced also with understanding and implementing synodality – a new relationship centred on communion, co-responsibility and mission – Irish parish clergy and lay people are challenged by the understandable indifference of younger generations, who are often more alive to the global climate issue.

Meanwhile Pope Francis complains about the fixation of too many on issues of sexuality – while he is also the first pope to appreciate the full importance of the environmental crisis. Advised on the topic of biodiversity by the globally recognised expertise of Columban father Seán McDonagh, the pope’s 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’ is now a landmark in church teaching and climate awareness.

Could a parish focus on the climate issue now also help solve the Synodality conundrum in Ireland – to convince younger generations, and clergy, that faith and climate justice need one another?

Convinced that parishes can play a key role in meeting Ireland’s carbon reduction targets in the 21st century – and that climate concern needs to be a vital focus of the Irish church – Fr Seán McDonagh will Zoom on this theme on January 27th, 2022, at 8.00 p.m. 

Click the link below to join the discussion on Jan 27th at 8.00 p.m.

Meeting ID: 830 0771 7613
Passcode: 298337

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