An interesting response to our latest efforts from a Lay Person in the North
Reverend Father
It is with deep regret that I learn of the introduction of the New Roman Missal in Ireland being proposed for November 2011.
As a committed lay Catholic I am concerned that the proposed introduction of the new translation of the Roman Missal is further evidence of a Church out of touch with its people. This is not what is needed for the reinvigoration of the Church in Ireland. I also am concerned that mistakes of the past are being repeated as changes in liturgical language are being proposed without adequate education / formation of lay people. Our priests are being asked to implement changes they do not approve of.
As someone born in the 1960s I have grown up with the vernacular liturgy of Vatican II. I made a choice not to study Latin at school. I am concerned that a slavish literal translation of the Latin Missal will not be understood in modern languages. Many of the clumsy forms of words in the new Translation do not inspire me to be prayerful – the language does not convey anything to me e.g. “we pray upon the oblation of your Church. ” These words will alienate young people.
Vatican II was brave enough to realise that the Church exists IN the modern world. In the opinion of many Irish lay people Vatican II has not yet been implemented. We should remember words of Pope John Paul II :
“The best preparation for the new millennium, therefore, can only be expressed in a renewed commitment to apply, as faithfully as possible, the teachings of Vatican II to the life of every individual and of the whole Church.” (Tertio Millennio Adveniente).
In 1969 the Vatican document on the translation of liturgical texts Comme le prevoit said:
” It is not sufficient that the liturgical translation merely reproduce the expressions and ideas of the original text. Rather it must fully communicate to a given people, and in their own language, that which the Church by means of this given text originally intended to communicate to another people in another time.”
Can I ask why the hierachy now appears to be taking a backward step about the language of the liturgy-which surely lies at the heart of all the faithful.?
Yours respectfully
Dr Mary O’Connor41 Old Coach Road Belfast
N.IrelandBT9 5PR