Annual General Meeting
Association of Catholic Priests
Annual General Meeting 2018
Wednesday 10 October 2018
The Bounty,
Guest speaker
Dr John Feehan
Further details to be confirmed.
Association of Catholic Priests
Annual General Meeting 2018
Wednesday 10 October 2018
The Bounty,
Guest speaker
Dr John Feehan
Further details to be confirmed.
For those looking for an account of our gathering on Monday 7 May, you will find many of the texts of the talks in the Article Category “Towards an Assembly”…
Eddie Finnegan probes the non-participation of the vast majority of Ireland’s parish priests on their ACP website, and ponders if a fear of clericalism is at its heart
This piece was written by Brendan Hoban, on behalf of the Leadership Team of the ACP. It is our effort to state clearly where we stand as an association on some issues that are important, and hopefully to clear up some confusion.
This meeting today is born out of a conviction that a voice for priests is an urgent need, indeed a justice imperative for priests and for our Church now and…
This is a short extract from a long interview with the Archbishop of Dublin in the Sunday Times of 23 September 2012, by Justine McCarthy — and the ACP’s response to it.
There is good precedent for remonstrating with the Pope!