Association of Catholics in Ireland (ACI) Open Information Event, Belfast, Saturday 6th December 2014
Association of Catholics in Ireland (ACI)
Saturday 6th December 2014
Shalom House
12 Cliftonville Road, BELFAST
BT14 6JX
10-30am until 1-30pm
(Tea/coffee on arrival)
Guest Speakers:
Dr Kevin Egan (All Hallows)
Noel McCann (Chairman ACI)
“Helping the Church to become self-critical:
Why the laity are best equipped for this role”
Everyone Welcome Free admission
What might a self-critical church look like?
Why are the laity best equipped for this role?
How might the church become a learning community?
What do you consider to be the most serious problems facing the church at this time?
How would you know if you were being treated as an adult in the church?
What are the pitfalls in helping the church to become critically reflective?
Who models a critically reflective stance for you?
Noel McCann
Noel is involved with members of the Howth Parish Reform and Renewal Group and other parishioners in supporting a range of parish activities and serves as a Minister of the Word. He was a member of the first Howth Parish Pastoral Council for four years. He worked on the Committee established to organise the landmark ACP ‘Towards and an Assembly of the Irish Church’ event in May 2012.
Noel will speak on, the history, vision, aims and objectives of the Association of Catholics in Ireland (ACI).
Kevin Egan D.Min
Kevin is a member of ACI and has lectured at All Hallows College for many years in psychology and pastoral theology. He is the author of Remaining a Catholic after the Murphy Report (Dublin: Columba Press 2011).
He delivered a lecture at the International Eucharistic Congress entitled Remaining a Catholic and has contributed articles to Doctrine & Life, The Furrow and The Tablet. He is also regularly invited to speak on the problems confronting the church in the 21st Century – particularly at gatherings of the baptised lay faithful.
Kevin will speak on, ‘Helping the Church to become self-critical: Why the laity are best equipped for this role’.
Shalom House is at the bottom end of the Cliftonville Road, very close to the junction with the Antrim Road.
I would encourage anyone who can do so to support this initiative. Belfast is easily accessible by public transport and many of us here now have the O.A.P. pass. (Praise the Lord!!) We can whinge forever about not having a platform, about not having a voice but this is a chance to use that voice, to come together and to listen and learn from each other. It sounds very exciting and I look forward to hearing Kevin Egan in particular whose writings have both challenged and encouraged me. There is no other way forward unless together as a community of Christ followers and as a people of hope. Please spread the word/Word!