Brian Eyre: COME FOLLOW ME Matthew 4:19
I am a married priest with 2 children and 3 grandchildren.
I thank Our Lord for calling me to celebrate these two vocations.
Both of these sacraments Holy Orders and Holy Matrimony which I received can be lived out to the full and be celebrated by the same person.
I was blessed to have met and married a beautiful woman with whom I have continued to do Pastoral Work for the past 42 years.
As a celibate priest in Brazil for 16 years I had wonderful men and women, pastoral agents, working in my parishes. These men and women were able to combine the duties of husband and wife in running their home, having children while also taking on a secular job and finding time to do pastoral work in their communities.
Today the number of celibate priests who are doing wonderful work is getting smaller and so communities are being left without the regular celebration of the Eucharist. Yet Our Lords command DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME is still as valid today as it was when there were plenty of priests.
I would have no hesitation in putting forward the names of these pastoral agents who are decent and honest people for ordination to the priesthood so that the Bread of Life will continue to nourish us. The invitation of Our Lord to COME FOLLOW ME is as real today as it was when He made this call to the Apostles among whom was a married man Saint Peter the first Pope.
Brian Eyre, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland