The posting on the ACP web-site of the call of a group of Catholic priests for dialogue in the Church and for open discussion on the need for equality of women in all aspects of Church life, including Ministry has inadvertently been interpreted as an official ACP posting.
In the preamble to the Catholic Communications Office Media Service of November 2nd, the heading incorrectly stated: ‘Association of Catholic Priests statement on women in Church life’.
However, it is clear that nowhere in the statement, issued on their own behalf by 12 priests, does it indicate that the statement is from the Association of Catholic Priests or that the views carried in the statement
represent the views of our members.
I drew the attention of Mr Martin Long to this error and asked him to correct it giving the correction, equal space and equal circulation.
Mr. Long has apologised for the genuine error and is taking steps to amend the record.
Brendan Hoban
Association of Catholic Priests
It was pretty clear that this was not an official ACP statement. There were some priests included who are not known to be associated with ACP, and also, some priests who are well known members of ACP were conspicuous by their absence ?
Thought this was rather apt.