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Extending a Summer Welcome
Padraic McCarthy, on seeing that the Presider’s Page has greetings in various languages for visitors to our churches or celebrations, submitted a selection of greeting notices he has come across on his travels.
With some adaptations they might be useful to you.
Invitation from Jim Cogley, Our Lady’s Island, Wexford
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Liam Power writing in The Waterford News & Star: Will the proposed changes to the abortion legislation lead to a more progressive regime?
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SOMETHING OF THE WEEKEND THAT WAS MISSION: The earlier hours (Saturday morning, 19th October) were spent trying to put some outline shape on this Mission time. I meandered in my…
Bidding Prayers 25 Dec 2022 (Christmas)
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The Irish Times interview with the Papal Nuncio, Charles Brown
Tony Flannery on his own website comments on the recent interview with the Papal Nuncio, Charles Brown
The Youth Of Age
…”I used to worry about sin;
now I have no time for this.
When I pick up the Scriptures,
the light streams out at me
The words tremble with life,
and shout:’Abundant Life.’
My memory is memorising:
all the strands are being drawn together.
I can now say:
‘I see, I hear, I know, I smile, I love.’
I see new words, hear new music, know in deeper tones,
I smile at my dreams, I love with the trees.
I see bright flames coming from human lips.
I see rippling water flowing in endless light.
No container on earth can keep this flowing.
All my life is now here in the palm of my hand:
I am child, maid, woman, crone.
I live it all, now more fully.
How can I now describe my lightsome life?
I see
I yearn yet.”
Hildegard of Bingen ( Praying with the Women Mystics, Mary T Malone, the Columba Press 2006)