Marco Politi – The Association of Catholics in Ireland in association with the Loyola Institute, Trinity College

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The Association of Catholics in Ireland
in association with the Loyola Institute, Trinity College.
In addition to speaking in Dublin and Carlow, Marco Politi, author of’
‘Pope Francis Among the Wolves: the Inside Story of a Revolution’, will
also speak in the Loyola Institute, Trinity College, on Tuesday 18th
October at 6.30 pm.
Speaking on RTE Radio 1 [‘This Week Programme’] on Sunday 9th October
Politi’s observations included the following:
“Pope Francis says the Church is not an absolute monarchy; as Peter led
the early Church with the apostles, so the pope should lead in synodality
with the bishops.”
“Francis is not just a spiritual leader but a political leader too.”
“He is pushing reforms in a difficult situation. Eleven cardinals and 100
bishops have spoken out against the changes.”
The author will elaborate on these comments in the context of his latest
book on the papacy.
The evening will include a Q & A session.

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