NCR Online: Catholicism must reject ‘heresy of triumphalism,’ says noted Czech priest

By Christopher White

Rome — May 8, 2024

Catholicism must rid itself of the “heresy of triumphalism” if it is to become more synodal and better able to evangelize in a secular age, according to noted Czech theologian and philosopher Fr. Tomas Halik.

“We see ourselves as a societes perfecta,” or a perfect society, that is too self-sufficient, said Halik, who was recently tapped by the Vatican’s synod office to help lead an April 29-May 2 gathering (link below) for some 200 parish priests from all over the world.


The gathering was organized in response to concerns that Pope Francis’ synod on synodality included only a few parish priests among the more than 400 delegates that participated in the first session of the assembly in October 2023.

During a May 2 interview with National Catholic Reporter, Halik praised Francis’ synodal efforts and his commitment to root out a culture of clericalism, where priests see themselves as more powerful than the laity.

But, he said, he would also point to “ecclesial triumphalism,” which he said is a prideful, widespread attitude defined by a Catholicism that is closed off from the world around it.

In an address to the parish priests in attendance at the synodal gathering, Halik lamented that “some Christians, alarmed by the rapid changes of the world, want to make the church an island of unchanging certainties.”

“There are still places where the parish priest sees himself as the pope of his parish. But the church confers the gift of infallibility on only one of its members, and then only under strictly limited conditions,” he continued. “And if even a pope relies on several consultative councils to help him make his decisions, how much more should a parish priest listen to those he has been sent to serve?”

Link to full article:,Tomas%20Halik.

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