Presider’s Page for 29 Sept (26th Sunday in Ordinary Time)

Opening Comment (for the Presider)

Today’s readings remind us that God is on the side of the poor, defending their rights. Penitential Rite: We gather to praise God’s justice and beg God’s mercy, as we call to mind our sins (pause): You raise the dead to life in the Spirit … You bring pardon and peace to the sinner … You bring light to those in darkness: Lord, have mercy.


Introduction to the Scripture Readings (for Ministers of the Word)

Amos 6: 1, 4-7 Amos warns the wealthy about their selfishness.

1 Timothy 6: 11-16 Paul gives Timothy tips on being a disciple of the Lord Jesus.

Luke 16: 19-31 A reminder that wealth can insulate us from seeing the needs of others.



Introduction (by the Presider): We bring our prayers to God, who provides for the poor and oppressed.

  1. For all who strive to be disciples of Christ, that they may be filled with faith and love (pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  2. For the oppressed and exploited of the earth, that they may win the justice that is their right (pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  3. For those who would see us as rich, that we may not be blind to their needs (pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  4. For people in need in our community, that we may be their true friends (pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  5. For our own needs and for those who have asked our prayers (long pause for silent prayer) Lord, hear us.
  6. For all who have died, that they may be raised up at the last day (pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.

Conclusion (by the Presider): God of righteousness, you are just to the poor and oppressed: listen to our prayers, we ask you, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

SONGS AT MASS (for Ministers of Music) Lord of all Hopefulness; Ag Críost an Síol; O The Love of My Lord; Praise My Soul the King of Heaven


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