Priests and Pastoral Workers in Dublin – Paddy Moran

Happy New Year to one and all.
At this time I hope that there is some value in looking at the financial remuneration of the PRIESTS in Dublin.The most recent cut which came into effect last November means  €200 less per month on top of a similar cut in November 2010. Since 2010 it has been decreed that 50% of all stole fees will be held by the priest, 25% given to the parish and 25% given to the common fund. Christmas and Easter dues are no longer retained by the priests of the parish, but are forwarded to the common fund. The priests of the diocese now receive the same financial remuneration each month of the year.  However, it was made clear at the recent” financial roadshow “which took place in various locations in the diocese that it is the responsibility of the priests at parish level to see that the first collection and the contributions of Christmas and Easter dues are maintained, otherwise further cuts will be inevitable.  It seems to me that the PARISH PASTORAL WORKERS have real issues with regard to security of employment but this is a different issue. At the present time they do at least have a contract with hours of employment,terms, with conditions, and financial security attached. It is perceived therefore that the Parish Pastoral workers have a great deal of security in the diocese.
If the  transparency needed to deal with the insecurities on both sides is forthcoming, it will bring about better levels of understanding, co-operation and and pastoral planing for the years ahead. if not, the divide will become wider and the wound deeper.
For 2012 I hope that the ACP will have pro active input in anticipation of the reports from the Apostolic Visitations

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  1. Parish pastoral workers don’t seem to fit with the idea of a poorer, humbler Church, one in which the services of its members will be voluntary. I fear pastoral workers feeds into a business model of Church which I think we need to get away from.

  2. Mary Burke says:

    Would you expect priests and bishops to work for nothing? (As it is priests are paid a pittance.) What about sacristans? Organists? Music Directors?

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