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The editors of America’s National Catholic Reporter share their open letter to Pope Francis, appealing to him to meet victims of clergy sex abuse.
The ACP, in conjunction with some others, are organising a gathering, which we are calling “Towards an Assembly of the Irish Catholic Church”. It will take place on Monday, May…
Eddie Finnegan reflects on the recent launch of the Irish Confraternity of Catholic Clergy and, in his inimitable tongue-in-cheek style, considers the prospects for success of two movements of Irish clergy.
A copy of an audio cd of our AGM is available from Eist Audio Productions by contacting Eist on 087 2789 390 or by emailing
This is an excellent article by Padraig McCarthy. Also available in The Furrow
The Irish Examiner gives coverage to the wellbeing of priests and in particular to issues of mental health and suicide.
It quotes Roy Donovan as saying that for priests “the issue of depression amongst members of the clergy was certainly one of the main areas of concern” that arose at regional meetings. Roy said that some “are suffering in silence, not knowing where they can turn to for help.”
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