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Séamus Ahearne: INTIMATIONS OF IMMORTALITY (Wordsworth) (Or Even – MORTALITY.)
INTIMATIONS OF MORTALITY: We reached the airport. We arrived in Faro. Somehow we maneuvered the cases along the narrow aisle. Ryanair minimizes the space. We got down from the aircraft….
Lydia, Phoebe and the women of the Early Christian Churches
We are Church present a Zoom event with Amanda Dillon on the topic of “Lydia, Phoebe and the women of the Early Christian Churches”. Monday 25 May 2020 7.30 p.m….
Eating together, becoming one
Chris McDonnell in the Catholic Times writes about Eating together, becoming one, a recently published book by Professor Tom O’Loughlin. Tom currently holds the chair of Historical Theology in the University of Nottingham and has recently retired as president of the Catholic Theological Association. In this book he addresses the complex issue of intercommunion amongst Christian churches.
“It is ironic that the very centre of nourishment within the Christian family has become the point of division between us, a matter of confusion rather than an occasion of joy and close companionship.”
“Yet too often we look for differences, we set up restrictive practices and discord takes the place of harmony. The advice from the priest over who may receive at weddings and funerals is but one telling example.”
Why not believe in miracles?
Seamus Ahearne advises “Pause, contemplate, give thanks and enter into real Communion. Allow the unexpected to happen.”
Chaplains – Irish Prison Service, Nationwide, permanent full and part-time positions available
Chaplains – Irish Prison Service, Nationwide, permanent full and part-time positions available
Vatican cardinal defends issuing fidelity oaths to Irish priest Tony Flannery
VATICAN CITY — The head of the Vatican’s powerful doctrinal congregation Sept. 22 defended his office’s request that an Irish priest sign four strict oaths of fidelity to Catholic teachings,…
Séamus Ahearne: INTIMATIONS OF IMMORTALITY (Wordsworth) (Or Even – MORTALITY.)
INTIMATIONS OF MORTALITY: We reached the airport. We arrived in Faro. Somehow we maneuvered the cases along the narrow aisle. Ryanair minimizes the space. We got down from the aircraft….
Lydia, Phoebe and the women of the Early Christian Churches
We are Church present a Zoom event with Amanda Dillon on the topic of “Lydia, Phoebe and the women of the Early Christian Churches”. Monday 25 May 2020 7.30 p.m….
Eating together, becoming one
Chris McDonnell in the Catholic Times writes about Eating together, becoming one, a recently published book by Professor Tom O’Loughlin. Tom currently holds the chair of Historical Theology in the University of Nottingham and has recently retired as president of the Catholic Theological Association. In this book he addresses the complex issue of intercommunion amongst Christian churches.
“It is ironic that the very centre of nourishment within the Christian family has become the point of division between us, a matter of confusion rather than an occasion of joy and close companionship.”
“Yet too often we look for differences, we set up restrictive practices and discord takes the place of harmony. The advice from the priest over who may receive at weddings and funerals is but one telling example.”
Why not believe in miracles?
Seamus Ahearne advises “Pause, contemplate, give thanks and enter into real Communion. Allow the unexpected to happen.”
Chaplains – Irish Prison Service, Nationwide, permanent full and part-time positions available
Chaplains – Irish Prison Service, Nationwide, permanent full and part-time positions available
Vatican cardinal defends issuing fidelity oaths to Irish priest Tony Flannery
VATICAN CITY — The head of the Vatican’s powerful doctrinal congregation Sept. 22 defended his office’s request that an Irish priest sign four strict oaths of fidelity to Catholic teachings,…
Séamus Ahearne: INTIMATIONS OF IMMORTALITY (Wordsworth) (Or Even – MORTALITY.)
INTIMATIONS OF MORTALITY: We reached the airport. We arrived in Faro. Somehow we maneuvered the cases along the narrow aisle. Ryanair minimizes the space. We got down from the aircraft….
Lydia, Phoebe and the women of the Early Christian Churches
We are Church present a Zoom event with Amanda Dillon on the topic of “Lydia, Phoebe and the women of the Early Christian Churches”. Monday 25 May 2020 7.30 p.m….
Eating together, becoming one
Chris McDonnell in the Catholic Times writes about Eating together, becoming one, a recently published book by Professor Tom O’Loughlin. Tom currently holds the chair of Historical Theology in the University of Nottingham and has recently retired as president of the Catholic Theological Association. In this book he addresses the complex issue of intercommunion amongst Christian churches.
“It is ironic that the very centre of nourishment within the Christian family has become the point of division between us, a matter of confusion rather than an occasion of joy and close companionship.”
“Yet too often we look for differences, we set up restrictive practices and discord takes the place of harmony. The advice from the priest over who may receive at weddings and funerals is but one telling example.”
Why not believe in miracles?
Seamus Ahearne advises “Pause, contemplate, give thanks and enter into real Communion. Allow the unexpected to happen.”
Chaplains – Irish Prison Service, Nationwide, permanent full and part-time positions available
Chaplains – Irish Prison Service, Nationwide, permanent full and part-time positions available
Vatican cardinal defends issuing fidelity oaths to Irish priest Tony Flannery
VATICAN CITY — The head of the Vatican’s powerful doctrinal congregation Sept. 22 defended his office’s request that an Irish priest sign four strict oaths of fidelity to Catholic teachings,…
This event today and yesterday gives a glimpse of a future of Christian community that constrasts tellingly with the ghastly shackles of our clericalism (as manifested especially in our frozen liturgy in which the expressive charisms of the faithful are stifled). “The old order changeth yielding place to new/ And God fulfils himself in many ways.”
Professor Tom O’Loughlin explains what “Synodality” is all about: