Seán Walsh: New Leaf
New Leaf
A priest from the Redemp’trists
gave us the School Retreat
at the beginning of Lent.
Hell or Heaven for starters,
then the mercy of God
that knows no limits…
Hughie Ward has stopped cursing
and Jacko Quinn has made up his mind:
no more stealing from
the sweets counter in Woolworths.
And I went to him for confession.
‘Behind a screen in a classroom
in the Primary …
Uptight I was going down on the kneeler
but he wasn’t the same a tall
as when we were all together in the Hall
and he was telling us from the stage
that it only took one mortal sin…
A new pin I was coming away…
By the end of the three days
I didn’t know myself!
Walking on air I was through the town –
dark, rain swept, dismal –
but how was I to know?
Wasn’t I in Heaven!
One hand in a coat pocket,
fingering the beads,
and me singing me heart out
but so low no one could hear…
How’s this it went?..
Heart of Jesus,
Burning with love for me
Inflame my heart,
with love… with love of Thee…
And he did, to be sure he did!
Inflame my heart…
‘Burnt into my very soul.
Lifted, I was. On fire!
A flame – oh, a furnace!
And then… Then?.. Ah-hh…
Book available from Amazon:
“Just wonderful – and full of wondering!.. I wallowed in it with
smiles and joy and admiration…”– Bernard Farrell. Playwright.
(Bernard was referring to my Amazon paperback, Travels with My Dad.)
(A friend, he gladly gave me the ok to use his quote.)