Statement from the Association of Catholic Priests on the Apostolic Nuncio’s new appointment

10 March 2017

Statement from the Association of Catholic Priests
on the Apostolic Nuncio’s new appointment

The Association of Catholic Priests (ACP), in responding to the announcement that the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Charles Brown, has been transferred to Albania, wish him well in his new appointment.
The ACP has been trenchant in its criticisms of the policies Archbishop Brown pursued, particularly in relation to the choice of bishops during his years in Ireland as inadequate to the needs of our time, at odds with the expectations of people and priests, and out of sync with the new church dispensation ushered in by the election of Pope Francis. However, we accept that, with his background and training, his lack of understanding of the Irish Church and an appreciation of our culture, Archbishop Brown was ill-equipped to respond to the needs of the Irish Church.
We have to say too that we found it frustrating and disappointing that, during his years here, he refused to meet us to discuss our concerns. However, we recognise that he worked within a system of protocols and procedures in which he felt obliged to confine himself and, though we believe he was fundamentally mistaken in his views, we hold no personal rancour in his regard.
We pray God’s blessing on him in his new appointment and in his future life.
Brendan Hoban
Roy Donovan
Gerry O’Connor
Tim Hazelwood

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  1. Mary Vallely says:

    A very charitable statement indeed. I hope too that AB Charles learns to regret his lack of engagement with differing groups and that the next man will be more in the mould of Pope Francis though he will never be as easy on the eye as our American PN!
    Charm and good looks can be an advantage when starting off but nothing beats straightforward honest dialogue, two good listening ears, a courageous heart and a mind that is open to the possibility of change. AB Brown is young and will have plenty of time to reflect on his time here and what might have been. I wish him well in his future post.

  2. Lloyd Allan MacPherson says:

    AB Brown, sadly is like many Canadians I know – very apprehensive about bucking the system. I remember watching his recent interview on RTE and thinking that he was especially smug.
    The discomfort and disdain he showed when asked about Tony Flannery at the 01:34 mark of that video – that face went from jovial to downright mad.
    What I take from his body language there was that he was committed to not give any voice to Tony or the Associations for that matter – that you were all pretty much dead to him. He looks visibly upset – you don’t get that with the volume on but when you mute it – it looks as if he is putting an end to the interview.

  3. Ian Evans says:

    Bye. God Bless your ministry in Albania.

  4. Niall Sheridan says:

    His predecessor Archbishop Gaetano Alibrandi used to foster and attend dialogue with all sides in the North at the height of bad times. He would call my father’s telephone number, my father would advise our next door neighbour who was a friend of the AB and they would meet in some quiet dark corner of the Phoenix Park and the neighbour would drive him all over the 32 counties for the purpose. It was well known at the time that the Irish authorities watched the AB fairly closely. Not closely enough!

  5. Have you any idea who the new Papal Nuncio will be?
    I hope we get someone who embodies the spirit of Pope Francis.

  6. Richard O'Donnell says:

    I wonder what are the chances of the Pope appointing a woman here. Marie Collins?

  7. declan cooney says:

    Sadly missed by many of the faithful in Ireland.
    Thank you so much for all your help Archbishop Brown.
    God’s Blessings in your new appointment.

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