The ‘new’ missal; there is an alternative: Item for Agenda of AGM

It is clear that the problems with the new ‘translation’ of the Roman missal are on-going. It seems that no person in a position of authority in church in Ireland is willing to voice the genuine concerns of so many people.
As often mentioned when this topic is discussed a different missal was produced in 1998 and approved by all English speaking conferences of bishops. Sadly, the Vatican suppressed this properly approved missal.
The following is from the Foreword of the 1998 translation:

The presidential prayers have been translated afresh in the light of thorough research and critical comment upon the 1973 Missal. The texts of the Order of Mass, on the other hand, which are more familiar to the people, have been changed only where necessary for greater clarity in the light of the Latin or to avoid language increasingly perceived as discriminatory. Several texts in the Order of Mass are used in common by most English-speaking Christians; these were prepared and revised by an international ecumenical body, the English Language Liturgical Consultation, and are included in this Sacramentary as recommended by the ecumenical directives of the Apostolic See.

To highlight the immediate availability of an alternative to the present version the prayers and prefaces for the seasons of Advent and Christmas and the Order of Mass from the 1998 Missal will be made available at the AGM of the Association of Catholic priests.
Prayers from the 1998 ICEL Missal are also made available on a weekly basis in the liturgy section of this website;  see the Presider’s Page of the Liturgy Preparation section.

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