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ACI Zoom with Diarmuid Ó Murchú – Thurs June 13th @ 8.00pm
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A Pastor for his People – Raymond Hunthausen
Chris McDonnell wrote recently in the Catholic Times, August 24th 2018, about the the late Raymond Hunthausen, retired Archbishop of Seattle.
“At a time when a number of those to whom the Church has given responsibility of leadership have fallen short of expectations, it is worth while pausing a moment and reflecting on the life of an outstanding man, who in spite of his being called to the Lord remains with us in example and deed. He was truly a man of the Beatitudes, who saw Christ in those about him and was himself Christ to those who were in need.”
First Communion Preparation – Undermined?
Padraig McCarthy posits the idea that the preparation for first Holy Communion, and its celebration, is now totally undermined.
Is there anything to be done about it?
Comments bug fixed!
Just to advise that the Comments section for all posts has been re-opened. The vaccine hit the mark!