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Séamus Ahearne: “The biggest shift in my lifetime has been the evaporation of the transcendent from all our discourse and our sense of human destiny.” (John Scally quotes from a final note he got from Seamus Heaney).
FIFTY YEARS A PRIEST: In two weeks, I will be fifty years a priest. I can’t believe how it is possible for these years to have gone by so rapidly….
New ACP Website
Work is ongoing! Most of the content has ‘migrated’ to the new site. Working on the Homepage….many thanks for your patience. Comments are back in operation.
Sunday of the Word of God
With the first Sunday of the Word of God coming up on 26 January, Pádraig McCarthy has produced a leaflet to encourage people to read Scripture, with some simple introductory notes, and a list of the Sunday readings for the current year. Pádraig is very happy to make it available for download on our ACP website.
This has been updated to include a leaflet outlining the structure of the Books of the Bible.
When it comes to talking
Chris McDonnell comments on the current Synod of Bishops in Rome in his article in the Catholic Times. “although young people are there to observe and contribute, they will have no voting power when push comes to shove. Much will depend on how good the assembled clerics are at listening, how much their hearing will be conditioned by pre-determined views, how open they are to the realities that face young people.”
Seán Walsh: Master Class
MASTER CLASS So long ago?.. ‘Seems like yesterday. Even now I close my eyes and re-live, re-call the noise, bustle, clamour, the sights, sounds , aromas, the stunning coloratura of…
Where to find the Garden of Eden
Seamus Ahearne shares some reflections on on-going situations in the world about us.
“Despite all the storms (of life); hope emerges. We keep going.”
“We have to catch hope and light and beauty and wonder and laughter anywhere and everywhere. That too is Spring. It is truly Lent.”
Christmas Eve
I stood before plastic faces painted cream
With a touch of red and each head bowed to a dry straw floor
And each face frozen in time. I see wise kings,
Benevolent to children , safe men in bright plastic
Positioned before a child wrapped in straw ,
Tiny arms forever reaching out to whoever calls.
There is a Shepard standing with sheep frozen in time.
They followed from the hills safe in his care
And know nothing of the unfolding story.
It is winter aroud the wooden stable
And silent as the empty cardboard box
Which held the crib, cold as the attic from which it came ;
The dry straw , still yellow in old age is strewn
On the stable floor with stray strands sticking to a tufted carpet.
There is a cow and a donkey whose body heat
And warm breath are reported to bring comfort to the newborn child.
I see now those sleeping in city doorways :
lonely doorways where kings never tread,
where few touch their outstretched hands
and bitter winds wrap broken bodies.
I look again at a plastic child with arms outstretched.
Mary Christmas to all !
Greetings and Blessings from Bavaria, south Germany.
Fr. M. S.
Have a Christ-Filled Christmas and a Grace-Filled New Year
Pray for us – we are now public in support of the global lawsuit ‘youth v. gov’ in a region heavily reliant on the fossil fuel industry so this is heavily political subject matter.
Merry Christmas! In 2019, let’s rise to new levels in this elaborate dream.