Tony Flannery documentary on TG4 to be shown again this Wednesday 3rd July 2024 @ 9.30pm

Tony Flannery documentary on TG4 to be shown again this Wednesday 3rd July 2024 @ 9.30pm

There are two lines at the end of the documentary that say:

Iarradh ar Dhiacaistir Theagasc an Chreidimh (An Chuallacht um Theagasc an Chreidimh roimhe seo) freagra a thabhairt ar an méid a mhaígh an tAthair Flannery sa chlár seo. Ní bhfuarthas aon fhreagra.

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (formerly known as the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith) was invited to respond to the claims made by Father Flannery in this programme. No response was received.

Iarradh ar Ord an tSlánaitheora freagra a thabhairt ar an méid á mhaígh sa chlár seo. 

Ní bhfuarthas aon fhreagra.

The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer was invited to respond to the claims made in this programme. No response was received.

Misneach: Tony Flannery

A new documentary by Midas Productions

Wednesday 3rd July 2024 @ 9.30pm on TG4

A personal insight to the life of Redemptorist priest Tony Flannery who was suspended from public ministry by the Vatican in 2012 for expressing his support for women’s ordination, optional clerical celibacy, same sex relationships and his liberal views on homosexuality.

Ordained in 1974, Tony Flannery is a well-known priest and missionary and native of Attymon, Co. Galway

11 years ago, he was summoned to Rome by the Superior General of the Redemptorists to find his writing in Reality magazine had been the subject of complaint to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF).

He was handed an unsigned piece of paper, containing instructions from the CDF that he be suspended from ministry.

Tony has never known who his accusers were and has been given no right to appeal this decision. Despite being offered a chance to return to ministry if he were to sign a statement renouncing his views and agree with the Church’s moral teachings and their stance of female ordination – Tony has not waivered.

Featuring heartfelt contributions from Tony, his friends and family, Misneach: Tony Flannery gives a voice to a priest who has been sidelined by the church he has devoted his life to. 

The Misneach programme on Tony Flannery will be shown again on TG4 on Wed 3rd July @ 9.30pm.

For those who missed it first time around or wish to see it again this is the link to the programme on TG4 Player:

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