Margaret Lee and Stephanie Walsh: Family Placements for Single Pregnant Women
Taken from Conversations, vol. 2, no. 1, January-February 2025. Used with permission.
Taken from Conversations, vol. 2, no. 1, January-February 2025. Used with permission.
Sarah Mac Donald reports: NCR Online (link below) “Something special happened here,” Archbishop Eamon Martin, president of the Irish bishops’ conference, said at the close of a continental assembly of…
Dear Representatives, Thank you to all those who made a submission in response to the next stage of the Universal Synod. The writing group from the Irish Synodal Pathway spent…
Seamus Ahearne says of “Dancing to my death” by Daniel O’ Leary that “His honesty; taunts, teases and torments us. The final canvas from this artist, is a challenge to all of us in every aspect of ministry.”
….. “remind us of the delicacy and gentleness that is needed, as we meet with sickness, dying, funerals, bereavement and absences. We have to be ever so careful with our Rituals and with our Religious demands.”
Suggestion – put a green branch on your door or window on Palm Sunday.
In his weekly Western People column Brendan Hoban welcomes the introduction of new regulations that will come into force governing the accounting for all church monies. These are a result of the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA), being established by the government last October.
“While the Church for years has encouraged openness and transparency at diocesan and parish level with mixed results now the new regulations will universally enforce a new, transparent regime in every parish in Ireland.”
FEBRUARY 1ST – FEBRUARY 6TH AT 7PM STREAMED LIVE FROM ST. KEVIN’S CHURCH, LITTLETON This is the link to the live feed for each of the talks:…
The Catholic Church is obsessed with the problem of abortion! In the past they were obsessed with unwed pregnant women. Attitudes linger and I fear some abortions today are connected to religious attitudes both past and present.
Let us not condemn and scapegoat but roll up our sleeves and give loving support.
Dear Mary Grace-Briggs, It is not the Catholic Church that condemns pregnancy outside marriage or the practice of abortion. It is the WORD OF GOD that condemns these incidents and practices. The Church may/can choose to remain silent, and extend support to people who suffer due to these occurrences in their lives. But, how can the Church shy away from proclaiming the Word of God? If it is not for the proclamation of the Word of God, why does the Church have to exist? The Church can’t condone wrong and evil in the name of mercy. What it does in our present era is: ‘The Church chooses to show mercy to individuals as it condemns their actions.’ Isn’t that what Jesus always did in the gospel stories?
It is very difficult to move from condemnation into love. Spending time in contemplation before a crucifix helps.