Presider’s Page for 20 September (Ordinary Time 25)
Opening Comment
We gather to remember the passion and death of Jesus, and to celebrate his resurrection with joy. He calls us to move beyond rivalry and conflict, to be true followers of the Christian way.
Alternative Opening Prayer (from 1998 ICEL Missal)
O God,
protector of the poor and defender of the just,
in your kingdom the last become first,
the gentle are strong,
and the lowly exalted.
Give us wisdom from above,
that we may find in your servant Jesus
the pattern of true discipleship
and the grace to persevere in following him,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever.
Introduction to the Scripture Readings
Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 — Describes the trouble the good person can endure, the same anger that led to the death of Jesus.
James 3:16 to 4:3 — James challenges people to conquer the wrong desires in themselves, as a means of bringing peace.
Mark 9:30-37 — Jesus tells his followers about his death and resurrection, and teaches them how to be true disciples.
Introduction (by the Presider) My friends, we have God for our help, so let us bring forward all our needs.
- For Pope Francis — that he may travel safely as he visits Cuba and the United States (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
- For all Christians — that they may learn to be put other people before themselves (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
- For migrants seeking a safe home in Europe – that its citizens may give them a friendly welcome (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
- For peacemakers — that God may help them persevere, despite the obstacles they encounter (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
- For the children of our community — that they may grow in strength and wisdom (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
- For children who have suffered from harm or abuse — that God may come to their aid and protect them from further danger (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
The presider prays for the dead: For all who have died (especially N and N), that the Lord may keep them in eternal peace (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
Conclusion (by the Presider) God of power and might, you uphold our lives and keep us in your care: help us in our needs, we pray, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
SONGS AT MASS (Suggestions) ‘Christ be Beside Me’; ‘Ag Críost an Síol’; ‘Servant Song’; Make Me A Channel of Your Peace’.