Directory of Synodality Synthesis Reports in Ireland – 2022 – all diocesan reports now available.

(N.B. This page is still ‘in process’. With all diocesan reports accessible on the World Wide Web by June 13th, 2022, the page can still be updated to include submissions from other Irish Catholic agencies. Suggestions and links for inclusion will be welcome.)

Irish Dioceses

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  1. Gearóid ÓDubhthaigh says:

    Directory of Synodality Synthesis Reports in Ireland – 2022 – all diocesan reports now available.

    In my opinion the most important question for us as Church is to ask ourselves:
    How can we put on the “mind of Christ” so that others are attracted to us or reject us because of this? (Philippians 2:5)
    Putting on the “mind of Christ” effects:
    1. Our priorities, so that they are no longer set for us by the media/social media;
    2. Our language, so that it is clear that our lives are lived in His Providence, Presence, and Praise;
    3. Our actions, what we are about every spare minute.

    – Gearóid R Ó Dubhthaigh

  2. Sean O’Conaill says:

    Directory of Synodality Synthesis Reports in Ireland – 2022 – all diocesan reports now available.

    ’Who will replace us ageing people when we are gone?’

    This plaintive question from Waterford & Lismore becomes a national Irish Church question when occurrences of the phrase ‘young people’ are compiled from 26 diocesan synodal reports:

    Will the national synodal synthesis face the inevitable corollary – that reliance on schools alone for catechesis and faith formation (in the absence of ‘synodality’ since 1968 and the ongoing adult faith formation model that would have required) – has been a historical cul-de-sac?

    When the parents of school-goers have themselves checked out, a church that over-relies still on schools is a family car that has followed the satnav to the end of the pier.

    Faced now with developing an adult faith formation model that comprehends all that has happened to us we should neither despair nor rely on imported packages such as Alpha or ‘Divine Renovation’. We need ongoing synodality to develop our own Irish family-centred model, understanding faith as liberation from all that is oppressive – especially fear for the future.

    Can we hope that the national synthesis now imminent will say so – with ‘parrhesia’ – and commit the resources needed for that model to emerge?

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