A comment on the Irish Independent articles concerning myself: Oct.10th: Tony Flannery

Sorry to disappoint any journalist who may be reading this, but I am not commenting on the substance of these articles. My negotiations with the CDF are ongoing, and I have agreed not to comment on that at present.
But twice in the articles by Garry O’Sullivan I was described as ‘ageing’ and once as ‘elderly’! (I am assuming he also wrote the editorial piece). Having read the articles I went to my golf club and asked for three shots back on my handicap. They laughed at me, and said they should be taking shots off instead.
How patronising of Garry. And does he not realise he is rapidly ‘ageing’ himself. Is there not a law against this somewhere? I’m told it’s called ‘ageism’. I wonder if I sued the Indo would I get one hundred grand. (Must talk to Robert Dore) That would be lovely. It would ensure a bit of comfort for this ‘ageing cleric’ for the small few years that they consider I have left!
Tony Flannery

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  1. Dunno who you are talking about but it made me laugh. I could recommend a reply which would cut to the chase but doubt it could be posted, or printed. Lol
    Ad hominem and all that. Which seems he’s resorted to. Baseless argument so attack. Good for you for not falling to it Tony. You have more patience than I do. 🙂

  2. Mary Wood says:

    Fr Tony,
    I saw the article on the CW compilation – I gather you are classified as an aging REBEL
    Congratulations! I guess you really think for yourself sometimes!

  3. Ger Gleeson. says:

    “An ageing rebel”. I am sure you can call many within the ACP and their followers, ageing rebels. At least we are trying to keep our Church together, in comparison to the “Ageing Rebels” in Rome who are hell bent on deviding us. Congratulation Fr Tony.

  4. What a load of patronising rubbish from the Indo. And him the former editor of the Irish Catholic. Time for a Reality check. 🙂

  5. Paschal Hanrahan says:

    Am I the only one who is tired of this clerical egoism?

  6. Tony Butler says:

    ” It takes a long time to grow young.” Picasso.
    Wishing you years and years and years…
    Tony B.

  7. Dear Tony,
    A thousand apologies. In the heat of writing up the piece for deadline I didn’t realise that those words could be offensive to you.
    I was trying to highlight your long service as a priest and use that as a reason why the CDF should not be haranguing you after all these years.
    I’ll be more careful to avoid ageist language in the future. I would welcome any suggestions on how to refer, if one has to, to someone who is past their middle years?
    best wishes,

  8. I am not the Editor of The Irish Catholic and perhaps you would remove the inaccurate comment that says I am. I was not the editor when the article in question was written and left the post several weeks ago.

  9. seán eile says:

    Answer to question 5 above –

  10. Association of Catholic Priests says:

    Not to worry, Garry. Strictly tongue in cheek. I am 65 and glad of it; wouldn’t want to be a young priest in today’s church. Tough time for them.
    And Robert and ourselves may well have bigger fish to fry!
    I made the other correction you requested in comment No. 4.

  11. Eddie Finnegan says:

    As one who saw the light of day half a decade before Tony Flannery, I’d suggest that if Garry O’Sullivan really needs to pin down the essence of ACP leadership or of someone’s long service as a priest, the word he’s looking for is ‘veteran’. Yes it comes from one of the Latin words for ‘old’ (vetus) but its connotation shifts from calendar watching to recognition of decades of successful experience, not halted but “going forward” – an atrocious barbarism no doubt familiar to Garry’s generation.
    As for referring “to someone who is past their middle years”, the ancient Romans reserved the word “seniores” (elders) to those aged 45 – 60, not a bad age for punching in time in the Senate, or I suppose at the Indo.

  12. Soline Humbert says:

    What about the word presbyter…in English: priest
    does it not mean elder?

  13. Past middle years. Lily Munster ?
    Speaking of rebels and all people treacherous, disobedient and Judas like. I was reading some trashy, copywrited traditionally minded catholic blog thing today, and he was ranting about a conversation he’d had with a ‘true’ and ‘faithful priest’ on the woes of Momma Church. This good priest said all those dissenting etc, etc – the filthy rebels, were ‘disordered in their sexuality’. All dissenter’s issues begin and end below the waste.
    Jesus wept, truly. Talk about pots n’ kettles.
    My canon law friend was right. “Lace in the morning – leather at night brigade.”
    I’d bite my tongue, honestly. But the practice of all this charity has left me near tongue less. Speechless.
    God save us all from the bites of the cannibals. They see chastity as a cross. Martyrdom. If they could freely choose it – one thing it ain’t is a cross.
    I have to stop reading those places. Lol

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