
ACP Welcomes Pope Francis’ move on Liturgical Translations


Sunday 10 September 2017
The Association of Catholic Priests is delighted to welcome the announcement that the Pope has returned the authority over liturgical translations to the conferences of bishops. In effect, it means that the bishops will now control liturgical translations, with approval from Rome. This supports the spirit and essence of liturgical reforms approved under Vatican II and comes in the wake of the Pope’s recent statement that the liturgical reforms of Vatican II are “irreversible.”
The ACP has long supported the flexibility to adapt the liturgy to local customs and realities as promised by Vatican II and campaigned against the recent new English translation of the Mass – ‘the New Missal’ – as a backward step with its lack of inclusive language, ecumenical sensibility and dependence on Rome.
The Pope’s move echoes concerns expressed by the ACP and others over liturgical translations in recent years. It will come into effect on 1st October 2017.
The ACP hopes that our bishops will quickly take this matter in hand, so that Irish Catholics will no longer have to endure the very unsatisfactory translation of the liturgy currently in use.

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  1. Ned Quinn says:

    Mass goers here overjoyed by this news. Let’s hope our bishops will act SUBITO!

  2. Mary Burke says:

    All of the English-speaking conferences of bishops have approved 1998. It’s time to ask the CDWDS for its confirmatio.

  3. Mary Burke says:

    Veritas are marketing their new “An Leabhar Aifrinn” which will come into effect in Advent 2017. It costs €300/£260. It was translated according to the norms of the now infamous, and ironically-named document Liturgiam authenticam.
    The flyer says “The recognitio was received.” So, before it comes into use, it’s out of date.
    A complete waste of time and money. Hopefully no one will buy it. If so, they will be left with large unsold stock as they were for the English version.
    Agus le do spiorad! And with your ghost!

  4. Sean O'Donnell says:

    I hope and pray that the bishops follow this through quickly. The sooner we are no longer distracted by a liturgy that at best comprises clumsy sentence construction and strangely placed wording the better!

  5. Mary Burke says:

    “The Missal will stand for many many years to come.”
    Bishop Brendan Kelly
    Presumably the soundbite was delivered before September 9, 2017 and Pope Francis’ Magnum principium.

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