Brendan Hoban interviews Church of Ireland Bishop Michael Burrows
Interview on Midwest Radio’s Faith Alive programme by Brendan Hoban with Church of Ireland Bishop Michael Burrows, Bishop Elect for Tuam, Limerick and Killaloe.
Some light pastoral adaptations of the new translation of the four regular Eucharistic Prayers to assist clarified proclamation. Unofficial! For personal study!
He is Risen Happy Easter
Press Conference for the presentation of the Continental Phase of the Synod on Synodality Friday 26 August, at 01.00 pm CET On August 26, 2022, a Press Conference will be…
More fidgety fingers on the keyboard Outdoor entertainment: The starlings come to Church when no-one else could. They joined the Choir or rather they are the Choir. They like the…
Contemporary Challenges for Global Catholicism by Thomas P. Rausch, SJ Jesuit Father Karl Rahner was one of the first to recognize that the Second Vatican Council had transformed the western…
The death has been announced of Jesuit Bernd Hagenkord following an illness. Last October, Bernd was the ACP Zoom guest on the Synodal process underway in Germany – What Can the Irish Church Learn…
Brendan Hoban interviews Church of Ireland Bishop Michael Burrows…
This is a heart-warming example of friendship between our churches. To celebrate it, here is a haunting, poignant set of hymns from where Jane Austen prayed: