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Séamus Ahearne: “I MARVEL MORE AND MORE AT THE INCARNATION. ” (A comment from Malachy Loughran osa whose funeral was last Saturday. He lived that.)
MORNINGS ALONG THE TOLKA: These mornings are very dark. But I did see the heron. In fact, I saw two. We had words. I then moved on and saw my…
The Church of the Future
Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, spoke recently at Saint Michael’s Church of Ireland, Limerick, on the ‘The Church of the Future’. His words have been widely reported and are on the Dublin Diocese’s website.
“My hope is that the future of the Church in Ireland will be one where we truly learn from the arrogance of our past and find anew a fragility which will allow the mercy and the compassion of Jesus to give us a change of heart and allow others through a very different Church to encounter something of that compassion and faith for their lives.”
An open letter response to the Synthesis Report of the XVI General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops 2023
This letter has been written by Dr Mary McAleese, Former President of Ireland, key speaker at the recent Spirit Unbounded Lay-led Assembly, and by fellow key Voices, Dr Luca Badini Confalonieri, Executive…
America Magazine Interview: The Catholic sister meeting with Pope Francis on women and the priesthood
Colleen Dulle, April 02, 2024 The quarterly meetings of Pope Francis’ Council of Cardinal Advisors generally do not garner much attention, but since last year’s synod, they have made headlines…
The Christmas Story – video with lyrics.
From Dan Duane: Please find attached the link to the lyric video of The Christmas Story.
America Magazine: Cardinal McElroy on ‘radical inclusion’ for L.G.B.T. people, women and others in the Catholic Church
(On the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul a thought-provoking article on issues facing the Synodal Church.) What paths is the church being called to take in the coming…
Séamus Ahearne: “I MARVEL MORE AND MORE AT THE INCARNATION. ” (A comment from Malachy Loughran osa whose funeral was last Saturday. He lived that.)
MORNINGS ALONG THE TOLKA: These mornings are very dark. But I did see the heron. In fact, I saw two. We had words. I then moved on and saw my…
The Church of the Future
Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, spoke recently at Saint Michael’s Church of Ireland, Limerick, on the ‘The Church of the Future’. His words have been widely reported and are on the Dublin Diocese’s website.
“My hope is that the future of the Church in Ireland will be one where we truly learn from the arrogance of our past and find anew a fragility which will allow the mercy and the compassion of Jesus to give us a change of heart and allow others through a very different Church to encounter something of that compassion and faith for their lives.”
An open letter response to the Synthesis Report of the XVI General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops 2023
This letter has been written by Dr Mary McAleese, Former President of Ireland, key speaker at the recent Spirit Unbounded Lay-led Assembly, and by fellow key Voices, Dr Luca Badini Confalonieri, Executive…
America Magazine Interview: The Catholic sister meeting with Pope Francis on women and the priesthood
Colleen Dulle, April 02, 2024 The quarterly meetings of Pope Francis’ Council of Cardinal Advisors generally do not garner much attention, but since last year’s synod, they have made headlines…
The Christmas Story – video with lyrics.
From Dan Duane: Please find attached the link to the lyric video of The Christmas Story.
America Magazine: Cardinal McElroy on ‘radical inclusion’ for L.G.B.T. people, women and others in the Catholic Church
(On the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul a thought-provoking article on issues facing the Synodal Church.) What paths is the church being called to take in the coming…
Séamus Ahearne: “I MARVEL MORE AND MORE AT THE INCARNATION. ” (A comment from Malachy Loughran osa whose funeral was last Saturday. He lived that.)
MORNINGS ALONG THE TOLKA: These mornings are very dark. But I did see the heron. In fact, I saw two. We had words. I then moved on and saw my…
The Church of the Future
Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, spoke recently at Saint Michael’s Church of Ireland, Limerick, on the ‘The Church of the Future’. His words have been widely reported and are on the Dublin Diocese’s website.
“My hope is that the future of the Church in Ireland will be one where we truly learn from the arrogance of our past and find anew a fragility which will allow the mercy and the compassion of Jesus to give us a change of heart and allow others through a very different Church to encounter something of that compassion and faith for their lives.”
An open letter response to the Synthesis Report of the XVI General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops 2023
This letter has been written by Dr Mary McAleese, Former President of Ireland, key speaker at the recent Spirit Unbounded Lay-led Assembly, and by fellow key Voices, Dr Luca Badini Confalonieri, Executive…
America Magazine Interview: The Catholic sister meeting with Pope Francis on women and the priesthood
Colleen Dulle, April 02, 2024 The quarterly meetings of Pope Francis’ Council of Cardinal Advisors generally do not garner much attention, but since last year’s synod, they have made headlines…
The Christmas Story – video with lyrics.
From Dan Duane: Please find attached the link to the lyric video of The Christmas Story.
America Magazine: Cardinal McElroy on ‘radical inclusion’ for L.G.B.T. people, women and others in the Catholic Church
(On the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul a thought-provoking article on issues facing the Synodal Church.) What paths is the church being called to take in the coming…