Gerry O’Connor CSsR and ACP Leadership Team: Sunday Homily
Gerry O’Connor CSsR and ACP Leadership Team on this Sunday’s Homily, 26th Sunday – ‘Hell’
Link to homily:
Gerry O’Connor CSsR and ACP Leadership Team on this Sunday’s Homily, 26th Sunday – ‘Hell’
Link to homily:
The ACP offers sincere sympathy to our colleague Liamy McNally, Administrative Secretary ACP, and to his extended family on the death of his father, Joe.
Newsletter No 2 is now available. This is the link to sign up for the newsletters, which are most informative. There is also advice on how to follow the Synod…
Review by Joseph S. O’Leary, who has lived in Japan since 1983. He taught in Sophia University and was a research professor in Nanzan University. Publications include Conventional and Ultimate…
(A comprehensive overview of who will be attending the Synod discussions…) Article by Gerard O’Connell. The Synod on Synodality is officially the 16th ordinary assembly of the synod of bishops,…
“We have to learn to be missionaries. To find eyes and ears and heart to catch the speaking- God in a new way. “
19.12.2023 Christmas is, well, Christmas. It demands our attention. It insists that we defer – even if only once a year – to liturgies, religious and personal, that we sense…