Gerry O’Connor CSsR: Homily for Sunday 25 August 2024
These are weekly homilies shared by Fr. Gerard O’Connor C.S.s.R., at the Redemptorist Community, in Scala, Cork, Ireland. Gerry is a member of the ACP Leadership Team.
These are weekly homilies shared by Fr. Gerard O’Connor C.S.s.R., at the Redemptorist Community, in Scala, Cork, Ireland. Gerry is a member of the ACP Leadership Team.
This article is recommended by Soline Humbert – “I think it gives a good insight into Pope Francis’ approach to reform.I found it very informative and food for thought, others…
When we hear the term “abuse” in relation to the Catholic Church, we immediately think of crimes of a sexual nature committed against children by the clergy. But there is…
Opening CommentWe are invited to reflect on the mystery of God on this Trinity Sunday, as we gather to worship the One who creates, redeems and sanctifies, three persons, one…
Western People 5.12.2023 Despite sharing the most common surname in Ireland (and a popular girls’ first name), Ashling Murphy’s profile now seems indelibly etched on the public consciousness. Her short…
Seamus Ahearne worries about the overwhelming negativity that now dominates media news coverage. He asks “How can we (or do we) as a nation – help the youngsters and even the ould wans, sharpen the antennae to notice and celebrate the beauty and wonder of life, which has to be task of real Religion and real Education?”
TOWARDS A BEATITUDINAL CHURCH Thursday 19th Jan,19.00 London time R&B DIY are delighted to welcome Archbishop Scicluna. Link to register: Charles Scicluna, Metropolitan Archbishop of Malta, is essentially “the church’s top…