Gerry O’Connor CSsR, Sunday Homily video for 32nd Sunday of the Year, 10 Nov 2024
ACP Leadership Team member, Gerry O’Connor CSsR, with his weekly Sunday video homily for Sunday 10 Nov 2024, 32nd Sunday of the Year – ‘Little Things’:
ACP Leadership Team member, Gerry O’Connor CSsR, with his weekly Sunday video homily for Sunday 10 Nov 2024, 32nd Sunday of the Year – ‘Little Things’:
Jo O Sullivan takes time to write her reflections on the request from the Dublin Archdiocese that Parish Pastoral Councils discuss what kinds of new ministries are needed if our church is to “thrive into the future”.
Statement of the Pastors’ Initiative Austria on the “Instruction on the Pastoral Conversion of Parishes at the Service of missionary mission of the Church.”
“If we were to lead our parishes with this exhorted monarchical clericalism we would be losing those Christians who are jointly responsible and who are the salt and the light of a parish that is turned towards the people.”
Dying with Dignity Bill: Are politicians being irresponsible in their manner of introducing this legislation? Professor Tony O’Brien (who hails from Rockfield Park in the city) has told me that…
Water is fundamental to life on Earth. We can go for many days without food, not without some considerable discomfort of course, but not life-threatening. Without water, the risk to…
Western People 10.10.2023 Budgets are not what they used to be. Once they were significant, even formulaic occasions with their own set rubrics and liturgies. A high point was the…
The ACP offers sincere sympathy to our colleague Brendan Hoban and to his extended family on the death of his brother, Seamus.