Liturgy suggestions for Summer Sundays
Bidding prayers etc for the Sundays and holydays of July and August are given below, beginning with next Sunday. After these suggestion sheets, you’ll find texts to welcome summer visitors from abroad.
Bidding prayers etc for the Sundays and holydays of July and August are given below, beginning with next Sunday. After these suggestion sheets, you’ll find texts to welcome summer visitors from abroad.
The theme for this Sunday’s liturgy is: ‘Everyone is welcome in God’s house, everyone who loves God’s name’. In that spirit, Catholics gather for weekend celebrations to experience the warmth of the divine embrace.
Now that Easter and all the feasts that follow it have been celebrated, the journey through the Sundays of the year starts again. From now until next Advent, we will listen to St Mark’s Gospel most Sundays, and discover Jesus through the eyes of Mark, whose account was the first to be written.
We celebrate the first Sunday of Lent. All over the world today, men and women are beginning a period of preparation for their baptism at the Easter Vigil. Like them, we spend Lent preparing to renew our baptismal vows at Easter, looking forward to our blessing with Easter water and to receiving the gift of a new start.
The Fourth Sunday of Easter is often called Good Shepherd Sunday, because the readings are about the care we receive from Christ, our true shepherd, a care Christians are invited to copy. Today is also the day of prayer for vocations.
OPENING COMMENT FOR MASS: Our God is like a shepherd who always looks after the flock: the Lord cares for us in all our needs.
Opening Comment The fourth Sunday of Easter is often called Good Shepherd Sunday, because the readings are about the care we receive from Christ, our true shepherd. Today is also…