Mike Harding on life in St Bede’s College, Manchester…
Regular ACP online contributor Paddy Ferry has recommended the following article by Mike Harding in the Irish Times.
Mike Harding is a folk musician, stand-up comic, broadcaster and poet who lives in Connemara and Yorkshire.
Link to article:
Of all the horror stories we have heard over the last 30 years or so, I find this piece by Mike Harding to be one of the most distressing. And the final insult, of course, was the Diocese of Salford not even mustering the wherewithal to offer a sincere and genuine apology, resorting instead to weasel words — “reported abuse”. Totally shameful!
And, of course, they threw loads of cash employing expensive lawyers to thwart the efforts of those who were so abused in seeking justice and some kind of closure .
This reminds me of the Religious Orders employing the most expensive legal firm in Ireland to — in Michael O’Brien’s words, “to make liars” of those who were seeking justice at the Redress Board process.