New Papal Encyclical – What’s in a Name?
An encyclical for all brothers and sisters
Read the story by Andrea Tornielli – Vatican News
‘Fratelli tutti’ does not include women, and neither does ‘fraternity’
Forget about women in church leadership. Do you think maybe the Vatican could hire a few women editors?
The latest embarrassment: “Fratelli tutti,” the title of the coming papal encyclical, is Italian for “all brothers.” Vatican Media says that includes women.
Read the story by Phyllis Zagano – National Catholic Reporter
Phyllis Zagano is absolutely correct. What if we practice the Gospel of reversals from last Sunday -‘the last will be first and the first last’?! What if the new encyclical from Francis was addressed to ‘a Sororibi’ (which includes all men as the Vatican puts out!) and if God is addressed throughout as a ‘She’? How would men feel about this? Language is critical as we have put forward in our letter to the Bishops of Ireland concerning the possible exclusive language of the new Lectionary.
There are many people who still believe that the earth is flat and you can’t persuade them otherwise. In a similar way, there are many within the Catholic Church at the highest levels who believe that human beings who are women can’t represent Christ at the Eucharist.
Brothers All?