
Presider’s Page for 13 August (Ordinary Time 19)

Opening Comment
We gather to celebrate our beautiful God, who was revealed to Elijah as a gentle breeze and who calmed the storm on the lake. We are grateful that this God takes our fears away and gives rest to our souls.

Penitential Rite
Remembering God’s enduring mercy, let us call to mind our sins …
Lord Jesus, you came to reconcile us to one another and to the Father: Lord, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you heal the wounds of sin and division: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you intercede for us with your Father: Lord, have mercy.

Alternative Opening Prayer
God of all power,
your sovereign word comes to us in Christ.
When your Church is in danger, make firm our trust;
when your people falter, steady our faith.
Show us in Jesus your power to save,
that we may always acclaim him as Lord,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever.

Introduction to the Scripture Readings
Isaiah 56:1, 6-7 — God is a calming presence in both the First Reading and Gospel today. In this reading, Elijah finds God not in the storm but in the gentle breeze.
Romans 9:1-5 — Paul acknowledges the role of the Jews in the salvation history. He would do anything to help them see this.
Matthew 14:22-33 — Jesus shows us that when we keep our eyes on him, none of life’s storms can hurt us.


Introduction (by the Presider) God’s help is near for those who beliveve, so we can present our petitions with confidence.

  1. That all who are part of the Christian family may find strength in prayer (short pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us
  2. That the nations who live in mistrust of each other may resolve their differences peacefully (short pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  3. That all who go to sea may be spared from violent storms (short pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  4. That those who staff the lifeboats, and take part in search and rescue missions, may themselves enjoy God’s protection (short pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  5. That people on holidays may travel safely, by land, in the air or by sea (short pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  6. That all the members of this community may know Christ’s calming presence in the troubles of life. (Pause for silent prayer) Lord, hear us.

The Presider prays for the Faithful Departed: That the dead, particularly those who have been lost at sea, may know the calm peace of the Father’s House. (We also remember N who died recently and N & N whose anniversaries occur — Pause for silent prayer.) Lord, hear us.

Conclusion (by the Presider) O God, our help and our refuge, you guide your people according to your wisdom: accept our prayers and come to our aid, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

accept from your Church these gifts,
which in your mercy you have given us to offer
and which by your power
you transform into the sacrament of our salvation.
Grant this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

PREFACE: Sundays in Ordinary Time I
It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
holy Father, almighty and eternal God,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Through the mystery of his cross and resurrection
he freed us from the yoke of sin and death
and called us to the glory that has made us
a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
a people set apart to proclaim your mighty works,
for you have called us out of darkness
into your own wonderful light.
And so, with angels and archangels,
with all the heavenly host,
we proclaim your glory
and join their unending chorus of praise: Holy, holy, holy…

All-merciful Father,
we come before you with praise and thanksgiving
through Jesus Christ your Son.
Through him we ask you to accept and bless + these gifts
we offer you in sacrifice.
We offer them for your holy catholic Church:
watch over it, Lord, and guide it,
grant it peace and unity throughout the world.
We offer them for Francis our Pope,
for N. our Bishop,
and for all who hold and teach the catholic faith
that comes to us from the apostles.

Remember, Lord, your faithful people,
especially those for whom we now pray [N. and N.].
Remember all of us gathered here before you.
You know that we believe in you
and dedicate ourselves to you.
We offer you this sacrifice of praise
for ourselves and those who are dear to us;
we pray to you, our living and true God,
for our well-being and redemption.

We pray in communion with the whole Church
with those whose memory we now honour:
especially with Mary,
the glorious and ever-virgin mother of Jesus Christ, our Lord and God,
with Joseph, her husband,
the apostles and martyrs,
Peter and Paul, Andrew,
and with all the saints.
By their merits and prayers
grant us your constant help and protection.

Lord, accept this offering from your whole family.
Grant us your peace in this life,
save us from final damnation,
and count us among those you have chosen.

Bless and approve our offering,
make it acceptable to you,
an offering in spirit and in truth:
let it become for us
the body and blood of your beloved Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ.

The day before he suffered
he took bread in his sacred hands,
and looking up to heaven
to you, his almighty Father,
he gave you thanks and praise;
he broke the bread,
gave it to his disciples, and said:

When supper was ended, he took the cup;
again he gave you thanks and praise,
gave the cup to his disciples, and said:

The mystery of faith

And so, Lord God,
we celebrate the memory of Christ, your Son:
we, your holy people and your ministers,
call to mind his passion,
his resurrection from the dead,
and his ascension into glory;
and from the many gifts you have given us
we offer to you, God of glory and majesty,
this holy and perfect sacrifice,
the bread of life and the cup of eternal salvation.
Look with favour on these offerings
and accept them as once you accepted
the gifts of your just servant Abel,
the sacrifice of Abraham, our father in faith,
and the bread and wine offered by your priest Melchizedek.

Almighty God,
command that your angel carry this sacrifice
to your altar in heaven.
Then, as we receive from this altar
the sacred body and blood of your Son,
let us be filled with every grace and blessing.

Remember, Lord, your servants who have died
and have gone before us marked with the sign of faith,
especially those for whom we now pray [N. and N.].
Grant them and all who sleep in Christ
a haven of light and peace.

For ourselves, too,
sinners who trust in your mercy and love,
we ask some share in the fellowship of your apostles and martyrs,
with John the Baptist, Stephen, Matthias, Barnabas,
and all your saints.

Welcome us into their company,
not considering what we deserve,
but freely granting us your pardon

Through Christ our Lord you give us all these gifts,
you fill them with life and goodness,
you bless them and make them holy.

Through him, with him, In him,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all glory and honour is yours, almighty Father,
for ever and ever.

Merciful God,
let our sharing in this sacrament
deliver us from evil
and make us stand firm in the light of your truth.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, the Lord.

SONGS AT MASS (Suggestions) ‘Christ Be Beside Me’; ‘Be Not Afraid’; ‘Glory and Praise to our God’.

If continental visitors attend Mass during their summer holidays, the presider might welcome them in their own language.

(In Dutch): ‘Beste vrienden, die bij ons uw verlof komt doorbrengen, wij zijn blij u hier te begroeten
(Phonetically) ‘Best-eh freend-en, dee by uns oo fer-lof come-teh door-breng-en, vigh zine bligh oo here tuh buh-ghroot-in.’

(In French): Chers amis qui venez passer vos vacances chez nous, nous sommes heureux de vous acceuillir parmi nous.
(Phonetically) ‘Shares am-ee key venay passay vo va-kawnce shay noo, noo soms uru de vooz a-cow-year parmee noo.’

(In German): ‘Liebe Freunde, Sie kamen um Ihre Ferien hier zu verbringen. Wir freuen uns, Sie bei uns aufzunehmen.’
(Phonetically) ‘Leeba froy-unda, zee cam-en um eere fair-ee-en here tsoo ver-bring-en. Veer froy-en unts, zee by unts owf-zoo-name-in.’

(In Italian): ‘Cari amici, che venite a passare le vostre vacanza qui da noi, siamo felici di accogliervi nella nostra communità.’
(Phonetically) ‘Caree amee-chee, kay vay-nee-tay ah pass-ah-ray lay voss-tray vah-can-za kwee da noy, see-amo fay-lee-chay day akol-ee-err-vee nellah noss-trah com-oo-nee-tah.

(In Spanish): ‘Quiero dar una bienvenida muy especial a los visitantes españoles. Deseo que tengan unas vaccaciones felices entre nosotros.
(Phonetically) ‘Ki-er-oh dar oona be-en-ven-eeda mo-ee espes-ee-al a lows visi-tant-eys e-span-yole-es.
Des-ay-o kay ten-gan oon-as vack-ass-ee-owen-es fe-lee-th-es en-tray nose-ot-rose.’

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