Root & Branch Zoom: Why We Stay – Tues 7 June, 8.00pm

International grassroots forum for an inclusive, just & safe Church.
Your link for tomorrow,

Tuesday 7th June, 19.50 for 20.00 London time
R&B DIY – Let Us dream!
Why We Stay? Empowering Community 
Tuesday 7th June,  20.00 London time
Find yourself wondering if anyone else thinks like you?
Wanting to meet others near you, or on Zoom?
Dreaming of a better way?
Just click the link, above, to join us at

19.50 for 20.00, Tuesday 7th June.

WHAT IS R&B DIY? It’s a simple way of allowing ourselves to dream about – and practise – a new way of being Church. Or perhaps it’s an exceedingly old way.

The Acts of the Apostles tells us that “these remained faithful … to the breaking of bread and to the prayers… They went as a body to the Temple every day, but met in their houses for the breaking of bread; they shared their food gladly and generously; they praised God and were looked up to by everyone.” (Acts 2:42, 46 – 47).

Not only in the UK, we’re meeting in our twos and threes, growing as we go. We pray, we dwell on a reading or a short video from our growing R&B library, and we share food, thoughts and ideas. We dream, and we begin to live out our dreams with renewed confidence in each other, in the Word, and in God’s love.

Come and join us!

More here: KEVIN GALLAGHER will welcome you. An electronic engineer, a Chinese translator and a homeless and refugee charity worker, he passionately believes in a dynamic and inclusive outward-looking Church, where all are welcome.

Thank you, Kevin,  for the huge effort you’re putting in to R&B DIY!

Follow us on Twitter @RootBranchSynod 
where there’s a growing community
of loving Christians
Click here 
We at Root & Branch are all volunteers.
Please donate on-site if you’d like to help with our significant costs.
and Thank you to all who already help us in this way. 
Contributions towards the design costs of the ‘Stolen Lives’
Learning Resource are greatly appreciated.
Bless you. 

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