Séamus Ahearne: Don Cupitt accused the Church of ‘exercising psychological terrorism’ and  rather he said, the Church “should be like an art college. It should be fizzing with ideas and innovation.”


As I drove up the streets on Sunday, to meet some families after funerals, I saw the Cherry Blossom and it lifted my heart. The crocuses and the snowdrops and the daffodils were the first revelations of Spring but the Cherry Blossom creates a chorus of nature’s music. It was the impresario. The birds too are waking up earlier. I am happy to leave the cold of the winter. Spring is always new.


Mary L Trump profiles her uncle as a sociopath. Her psychologic assessment raised serious questions about his suitability to be entrusted with the presidency. Obviously the rest of the country (USA) failed to listen to such words from a clinical psychologist. However, I think her position as a family member, and as a hurting person, due to the treatment of her father by her grandfather, makes her clinical judgement, less than fully objective. There is very little doubt but that there are serious underlying personality problems in Donald. Many of us wonder if there is ever an adult in the room when Donald rushes to his next crazy statement. It is convenient and attractive to read her diagnosis. What on earth has the Donald got, to hold an audience for almost a 100 minutes at The State of the Union address? Captivating, mesmeric, or a wish to see what the next outlandish comment might be! It is a cause of wonderment how so many people descend to such a depth of stupidity in politics. There is less than four years to go…


Jack Vettriano has died. A few of his well-known pieces surround me here in the office; I like them. I know that the artists’ establishment is rather snobbish and quite dismissive of Jack. He was imitative or derivative, according to their view. Or so they say. He was also very popular and financially successful. There is an element of jealousy in all of this. Maybe. Jack told stories. He evoked a narrative of images. I like those who tell stories and stir something in us; who awaken pictures and images. Billy Shakespeare has that line in Hamlet – “The Play’s the thing, wherein, I’m catch the conscience of the king.” I suppose Jesus did rather well as a storyteller. Ourselves, as ministers of Scripture, are soaked in the culture of the seanachaí and in the language of ‘myth’ for exploration of the Bible. If we do. If we are. We are alive in the folklore of faith. There indeed is the challenge.


Finglas featured in the News those past few days. Our school here hit the headlines. We had, a short time ago, celebrated the Golden Jubilee of the School which had opened on the 7th January 1975. The history and the culture of the school over all those years has been extraordinary. It was a delightful occasion. Then, the event of Tuesday happened. One boy stabbed another. We were shocked. It was beyond us. We couldn’t grasp how this could happen. But it did. The injured boy is recovering. It was, and is very serious. The Staff have been magnificent and their solidarity (and care) with each other was inspirational. The children are now doing well, as they got back to class the following day. The parents have played their part. The Department of Education staff have been brilliant. I don’t know how everyone can fully find a quietness in their heads and hearts to deal with this. We had thought that over the years we had seen everything but we hadn’t. The teachers, Principals, SNAs, Caretakers, Secretaries are more than educationalists (nowadays). They are social workers. They are counsellors. It is hard for them to find time for the official curriculum. Their  job most times, is way beyond what is written in the job description. Above all, this is a wonderful school.


The Palms were burned. The Ashes were ready. The foreheads were receptive. I was followed by two young lassies in a car. They wanted ‘some Mass.’ I quickly realised it was ‘ashes’ that they needed! Lent and Ashes. Lent and small collations. Lent and fasting. Lent and preparing to be received into the Church at Easter is especially lovely and gives meaning to it. Lent and the challenge of being good examples to those readying for Baptism, makes sense of it all. Lent and Spring (in this part of the world) are happy companions. New life. Waking up a fresh outlook. Eyes and hearts beginning to notice more. There has to be a hunger in us – to see more; to go beyond the obvious; to be excited by the unusual; to be in awe at the wonder of people and life; to find a God who whispers quietly to us, if the ears are listening. I think that is something of Lent.


Don Cupitt has died. He really stirred up things as he killed off God. In our earlier days, his questioning forced many of us to go beyond the easily accepted view of faith. We had to rethink everything. As we see many now leave the culture of faith and who don’t see much need for God, we are prompted to refresh our own thinking in faith and to learn a new language in how we present religion. May Don rest in peace, whatever that means for him!   As we used to say:  Now he knows!! 


She was playing with her two cousins – Rosie and Gracie. R and G began to squabble. Young Indi walked away. They were too noisy. She went upstairs. She sad on her bed cross-legged. She had to meditate. She is four years of age. Where did she get that kind of stuff? Meditate. Close eyes. Sit cross-legged. This is all beyond me.


Seamus Ahearne osa    7th February 2025

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