Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Prayers of the Faithful etc
Opening Comment
Now that the Christmas season is behind us and we are moving into the New Year, the liturgy challenges us to reflect on what following Christ means. We gather as God’s people, called to follow the Lamb of God and we praise God, with thanksgiving.
(Today is the World Day for Migrants and Refugees)
Penitential Rite: To prepare ourselves to listen to God’s word and share the bread of life, let us call to mind our sins (pause)… I confess…
Introduction to the Scripture Readings
1 Samuel 3:3-10, 19 — God’s call is described in the first reading and Gospel today: in this reading, Samuel learns how to answer God’s call.
1 Corinthians 6:13-15 — For the next five Sundays, readings are taken from Paul’s first letter to the people of Corinth, which includes guidelines for a young Christian community. In this Sunday’s excerpt, Paul gives explicit teaching on sexual morality. He reminds the baptised that their bodies are part of the body of Christ and therefore not meant for fornication.
John 1:35-42 — The Gospel decribes the first few who decided to follow Jesus, as St John records it.
The General Intercessions
Introduction (by the Presider) Brothers and sisters, let us put words on our needs and bring them to God.
- For migrants and refugees, that in the hospitality of Christians they may experience God’s compassion. (Pause for silent prayer) Lord, hear us.
- For the Ulster Bank workers and all who are unsure about their jobs, that those in authority may work for the secure employment of all. (Pause for silent prayer) Lord, hear us.
- For parents and teachers, that by their words and actions, they may help our children find the Lamb of God. (Pause for silent prayer) Lord, hear us.
- For the elderly and all who are lonely, that they may know our support during these dark winter days. (Pause for silent prayer) Lord, hear us.
- For those who have died recently (especially N and N), and all our dead, that God who delivered Jesus from death may raise them too. (Pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
Conclusion (by the Presider) God our creator, you stoop down to hear our cry: grant our petitions, we pray you, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Liturgical Suggestions
World Day of Migrants and Refugees is celebrated today. First Penitential act (Confiteor). Preface 4 of Sundays in Ordinary Time. Eucharistic Prayer 2. Solemn Blessing 10 (Ordinary Time 2).
‘Here I am Lord’; ‘Christ be near at either hand’; ‘Servant Song’.