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Tony Flannery – Joseph Ratzinger; My memories.
The following article is taken from Tony Flannery’s website: Joseph Ratzinger; My memories. JAN 01 As I sit down now to write my reflections on Benedict/Joseph Ratzinger, it is…
The Synodal Times: Cardinal Hollerich asks western women to be patient with the Church
The Synodal Times May 23 The call for equal rights and the ordination of women is getting louder and louder in the Catholic Church – at least in the West….
‘We Remember Maynooth” – online book launch, registration required.
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Séamus Ahearne: Larking about on the river and streams of consiousness…
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Underestimating Love, which is the gospel’s core message
Francis A. Quinn, the retired bishop of Sacramento, has an interesting article in The New York Times in preparation for Pope Francis’ visit to the U.S.A.
One of the topics he broaches is that of the ordination of women.
“Recent popes have said publicly that priesthood for women cannot be considered because the gospel and other documents state that Christ ordained men only.
Yet women have shown great qualities of leadership: strength, intelligence, prayerfulness, wisdom, practicality, sensitivity and knowledge of theology and sacred Scripture.
Might the teaching church one day, taking account of changing circumstances, be inspired by the Holy Spirit to study and reinterpret this biblical tradition?”
With so many retired bishops speaking out recently on topical issues it raises the question why they haven’t done so when in office. What prevents bishops from expressing such views when they hold office? Whatever it is, it most certainly is not healthy and is damaging the office of bishop and the universal church.
Presider’s Page for 8 December (Immaculate Conception of Our Lady)
Our preparations for Christmas always include Mary, the Mother of God. Today, we honour her conception free from sin, a miracle that displays God’s power for believers. We worship God,…