Synodal Pathway Update: Irish Synod prepares “vision of renewal” for national submission ahead of universal assembly
From – News service for the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference – link to article:
The Synodal Pathway of the Catholic Church in Ireland has invited submissions from dioceses and groups that participated in the earlier stages of the process in advance of the second part of the universal assembly of the Synod on Synodality that will take place this October in Rome.
Four regional meetings held at the end of January – including one online gathering – provided the platform for the Irish Synodal Pathway to share the task set by the Universal Synod office in Rome. Dioceses and groups were invited to respond imaginatively to the overarching question – “How can we imagine the life of the Church in Ireland where people are co-responsible for the Church’s mission in different ways?” – but, in addition, to share some examples of best practices in synodality so as to ensure that the synodal dynamism remains alive and begins to flourish in local churches.
The 35 submissions, received by 25 March, represent a diverse tapestry of responses, each woven with a shared aspiration for a synodal Church that embraces co-responsibility in its mission.

Julieann Moran (pictured), General Secretary for the Synodal Pathway of the Catholic Church in Ireland said, “these submissions from dioceses, youth groups, ecclesial movements and associations, are currently being reflected upon by members of a writing group from the Irish Synodal Pathway Team. This group will have the task of preparing a ten-page draft document incorporating Ireland’s collective wisdom and vision of renewal for the universal Church, along with the examples of best practice. In the spirit of “circularity,” the writing group will present the draft document at further regional meetings, in person and online later this month.
“This presentation will provide those who have made a submission with the opportunity to agree upon the emerging themes discerned by the writing group and to support the direction being taken in the document before it moves to the next stage. The document will then be presented to the Irish Bishops’ Conference for further consideration and discernment before a national submission is made to the Synod office in Rome by 15 May.”