Gabriel Daly in this homily ‘celebrating’. not ‘marking’, the centenary of the Reformation tells us that ‘We have a divided church as a result of the Reformation, but great progress is being made in ecumenical dialogue to bring us together again. There have to be changes if unity is to come. We have much to learn from each other.’
Today and tomorrow we remember all the dead, those in heaven and those still be on the way there: God alone knows where each soul is. Today’s feast celebrates the saints in heaven, holy men and women of every time and place: we hope some of our people are among them.
Richard R. Gaillardetz writing in the National Catholic Reporter maintains that Pope Francis’ correcting Cardinal Sarah’s misrepresentation of ‘Magnum Principium’ is but “another concrete confirmation of the pope’s single-minded intention to realize the council’s reformist agenda. He may be the first post-conciliar pope not to have played a role at Vatican II, but no pope has more comprehensively summoned forth the council’s comprehensive call for reform and renewal.”
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