Seamus Ahearne jots down some thoughts on recent WMOF and associated Papal visit events and wonders how St. Augustine might have responded!
“If the energy put into staging this event could be tapped for the ordinary life of God among us we would really do damage with the graciousness of our Godliness. It is still a wonderful world. Our God reigns! “
Jo O’Sullivan writes of her experience of the WMOF and the Papal Visit; “deep in our souls the pain of centuries of oppression is still there. And now our pain has been inflicted by the very source that comforted our forebears through their agonies. Is it any wonder so many of us can’t move beyond that sense of betrayal?”
Francis “keeps asking us to pray for him. I do. And I also pray for us. We need and deserve an Institutional church which reflects real Christianity – that church which rallied around the homeless who gathered at the GPO on Sunday night.”
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