Month: April 2024

Synodal Pathway Update: Irish Synod prepares “vision of renewal” for national submission ahead of universal assembly

From – News service for the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference – link to article: The Synodal Pathway of the Catholic Church in Ireland has invited submissions from dioceses…

Interesting article in America Magazine: Pope Francis opens up about Benedict XVI, past conclaves and more in new book…Also in The Tablet: The successor – a papal past and present

This is the link to the America magazine article: Link to The Tablet article:

Séamus Ahearne: Is it so small a thing to have enjoyed the sun, To have lived light in the spring, To have loved, to have thought, to have done. (Matthew Arnold)

DON’T TAMPER WITH THE TIME! The clock and nature are in dispute. Nature refuses to accept the changed hour. The heron protests and doesn’t appear. The swans are unsure and…

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