3rd Sunday Ordinary Time – Bidding Prayers
Introduction (by the Presider): My dear friends in Christ, let us present our prayers with confidence to the Lord:
- For all who listen to God’s word, that they may put it into practice (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
- For those who read at Mass, that they may do it with love and reverence (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
- For all who gather to worship God today, that all Christians may soon be one (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
- For the sick and suffering, especially those we pray for, that God may heal them (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
- For all who find these winter months difficult, that their friends may support them (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us
- For people who are lonely or sad, that God’s presence may cheer them up (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
The Presider prays for the dead: ‘that they may be part of the glorious Communion of the Saints’ (pause for quiet prayer): Lord, hear us.
Conclusion (by the Presider): Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life — we rely on your help all our days: let your grace continue to sustain us, we pray, through Christ our Lord. Amen.