Belgian Catholics call for Reform
A new movement in Belgium: Click to read
A new movement in Belgium: Click to read
Brendan Hoban analyses the virtual implosion of the Church in Ireland and asks why the Irish bishops cannot bring themselves to speak to an association which represents 1,000 priests, who are as concerned about the Irish Church as the bishops
An anonymous parishioner in an Irish parish describes the frustrating experience of attempting to get dialogue going in her local parish. The author, who is known to the ACP leadership team, asked for anonymity in case her parish would be identified. She would be interested to know if others have had similar experiences and if there is an answer to her predicament.
Gabriel Daly in this homily ‘celebrating’. not ‘marking’, the centenary of the Reformation tells us that ‘We have a divided church as a result of the Reformation, but great progress is being made in ecumenical dialogue to bring us together again. There have to be changes if unity is to come. We have much to learn from each other.’
Gerard O’Connell in Americamagazine reports on the address of Pope Francis to the curia.
Clearly the ‘Francis effect’ is not making much impact on the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith as yet!!
Maynooth seminary is still grabbing headlines.
Tony Flannery, on his own website, gives a frank opinion of the most recent proposals put forward by the trustees. “Are these men serious? Do they expect this effort at very traditional regimentation, and equally traditional spirituality, to solve the problems they believe existed?”
Brian Eyre, commenting from the remove of Brazil, sees merit in a proposal that “a subcommittee of lay people, families and “especially the presence of women” will be introduced as part of priestly formation”.
Meanwhile Cindy Wooden, writing in America Magazine, reports on Pope Francis speaking in Krakow about the training of seminarians. Pope Francis is reported as saying “too many seminaries teach students a rigid list of rules that make it difficult or impossible for them as priests to respond to the real-life situation of those who come to them seeking guidance.” and “”We need to truly understand this: in life not all is black on white or white on black,” he said. “The shades of grey prevail in life. We must them teach to discern in this gray area.”
Perhaps Maynooth’s trustees should consult Pope Francis?