
When I Was Growing Up

Jo O Sullivan outlines the journey from ‘slumbering’ catholic to ‘revolting’ catholic, from agonising ‘over continuing to participate in shoring up the dysfunctional Institutional Church by continuing to give of my time and talent to the Church’ to the decision that ‘I could come back into the fold with all my heart and all my soul, provided I sought out every opportunity available to me to bring about change.’
‘I find that the passion that drives me these days is to open Catholic hearts and minds here locally into a welcoming acceptance of our LGBT brothers and sisters.’

We Are Church Ireland – “Vatican hypocrisy and hopes for our church”

Fr Bernárd Lynch is to receive the Distinguished Service Award for the Irish Abroad from President Michael D. Higgins on 21. November 2019!
WAC are delighted that Fr Bernárd Lynch will be addressing our WAC meeting on 11 November 2019 in Trinity College Dublin (School of Religion, Loyola Institute Building)!

The Ultimate Cluster …. carries an item of new “super” parishes being created in Germany with an average of 35,000 parishioners but in this case with a population of 99,000.
Is this where ‘clustering’ is taking us? Is there any reason the planned structure for administration and pastoral care could not be employed using lay people in our current parishes?

The Women The Vatican Could Not Silence – video link

Link to recording of The Women The Vatican Could Not Silence. Dr Mary McAleese and Sister Joan Chittister in conversation

Voices of Faith, We are Church Ireland and the School of Religion in Trinity College presented two leading Catholic women in a public conversation to overcome the silence on issues that affect Catholics today and must be openly discussed for the future of an inclusive, egalitarian and harmonious Church.

What about yoga and mindfulness?

Liam Power offers a very timely insight into the practice of Yoga and how it could enhance Christian meditation and prayer.
“….many Christians find the practice of yoga very beneficial to their health and wellbeing and that it can help them rediscover silence and the richness of solitude in their lives. Paradoxically, it can lead them to a deeper Christian spiritual life and even to a more meaningful participation in the Eucharist.”

The Choice   (by Edith Eger)

Memories of a visit to Auschwitz and the life story of Edith Eger inspire Seamus Ahearne.
“If Edith can parallel her life story with the life stories of her patients,  I wonder where might we go, if we took her methods into our story of faith and church and ministry.   We are so often imprisoned in sadness. We apologise for the past. We are embarrassed by that past. We blame others. We feel that we have failed. …. We can’t let go. We don’t want to get out of prison. We are afraid to wander into freedom and future and hope.”

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