
Ministry with the freedom of poetry and the colour of marriage

Seamus Ahearne casts his eye over some of the topics that are currently exercising bloggers and bishops; i.e seminaries and diaconate and the future of ministry.
Seamus as usual views them in the wider context of living the good news, of being a living church. “Deacons. Students. Priests. Bishops. Everyone. All of us have to find our bearings in that mess. The tidiness of the past is gone. The Church has to lose control. Ministers have to be strong. Men, women, married, unmarried (as ministers) – who cares (it is so totally unimportant). All that matters is the world of faith is celebrated with humility.”

The problems with seminaries

With the ongoing controversy about Archbishop Martin of Dublin deciding to remove all 3 of Dublin archdiocese’s students from Maynooth Tony Flannery suggests “The solution would have to involve a radical revision of our understanding of ministry and the requirements necessary to become a priest. So, rather than just tinkering around with Maynooth, the Irish church needs to initiate a process of discussion at all levels to discern what type of ministry is best suited for the Church of the future.”
“…. we need courage. The problems in seminaries is only one part of a much greater malaise in the church. Trying to re-create the past is not the answer. Significant change is needed.”

Maynooth Seminary Crisis: ACP Statement

The ACP have issued a statement on the controversy afflicting Maynooth at present.
“While it is important that the highest standards prevail in Maynooth, the response to whatever the crisis is – real or imaginary – demands more than moving a few students to Rome and offering a few unconvincing reasons for the decision.”

UPDATED with Brendan Hoban interview on Morning Ireland, 03/08/2016

‘Open the doors’ – Wake up call from Pope Francis

Excerpts from a report by Gerard O’Connell in America Magazine on Pope Francis’ “Wake-Up Call to Polish Clergy”.
It could be a wake up call for the Irish Church as easily.
“Francis has heard about the tendency toward clericalism and resistance to change among many of the 156 bishops and 30,000 priests”.
“Francis noted that “in our lives as priests and consecrated persons, we can often be tempted to remain enclosed, out of fear or convenience, within ourselves and in our surroundings.”
“Looking at the bishops and clergy seated in front of him, he said, “Jesus wants hearts that are open and tender towards the weak, never hearts that are hardened.”

Facing up to Spiritual Abuse: Sean Fagan S.M.

This article by the late Sean Fagan appeared in ‘Doctrine and Life’ in March 2001.
Sincere thanks to Bernard Treacy OP, Director, Dominican Publications, 42 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 for permission to publish this article by the late Sean Fagan.

Thanks to Sean O’Conaill for the suggestion to publish the article as a tribute to Sean and for providing an electronic version of the article.

A Sanctuary no longer Inviolable

Brendan Hoban, writing in the Irish Times, offers some initial thoughts in the immediate aftermath of the murder of Fr. Jacques Hamel.
We extend our sincere sympathy to the family of Fr. Jacques Hamel, to the parishioners in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray and to the people of the Diocese of Rouen.
Nous adressons nos sincères condoléances à la famille du père Jacques Hamel, les paroissiens de Saint -Étienne- du- Rouvray et à la population du diocèse de Rouen.

Breaking New Ground

Chris McDonnell writes in The Catholic Times about the shortage of priests and states that “It will soon be too late to consider a possible resolution to the problems we face unless we take active steps now to address our difficulties.”
“there is a now a clear necessity for Commissions to be set up both in the UK and Ireland by the respective bishops’ conferences to examine the whole issue before the model we are currently struggling to manage breaks and we are left to pick up the pieces.”

The importance of different coloured buttons.

Brendan Hoban’s weekly column in the Western People takes a look at the ‘noxious weed’ of clericalism.
Clericalism, Brendan describes, is when “In simple terms the priest was given to believe that he knew best, was in full charge of everything and should feel superior to mere lay-people. To give this clericalist mentality substance it was wrapped in black soutanes and Roman collars and placed in a context of status, deference and privilege. Priests became part of an exclusive, hierarchical and authoritarian elite.”

No Need to Face East: Cardinal Sarah corrected by Pope Francis

Praytellblog and are reporting that Pope Francis summoned Cardinal Sarah to a meeting last Saturday following the latter’s call for priests to face east while celebrating Mass from next Advent.
A statement was issued by Press Office of the Holy See, 11/07/2016.
“There are not, therefore, any new liturgical directives beginning next Advent” and “it is best to avoid using the expression ‘reform of the reform’, referring to the liturgy, as sometimes it has been a source of misunderstanding “

International Conference of Reform Movements in Chicago

Tony Flannery reports on the the third International Conference of Reform Movements which is scheduled for Chicago next October.
“we aim to enter into deep dialogue, understanding our similarities and our differences, enjoying our diversity and finding common ground leading to common action. In this way we hope to strengthen our commitment, and energise our work, for Church reform.”

A failure of imagination and courage

Brendan Hoban writing in the Western People continues to question when the bishops will find the courage and imagination to face the ‘vocation crisis’ in the Church in Ireland.
“The simple truth is that the problem with vocations to the priesthood is that young Irish men are no longer saying YES to a celibate vocation, their parents are encouraging them to say No and the vast majority of priests in parishes know that prioritising celibacy over the Eucharist is not just bad theology, it isn’t working.”

Into Extra Time

Brendan Hoban reviews Michael Paul Gallagher’s “Into Extra Time.”

‘Michael Paul worried that publishing such a personal narrative would seem to inflate his own experience or appear too self-centred and pious and he found writing a book that would be read only when he was dead a strange moment in his life. But he need not have worried. It is, I believe, the most important book he has written.’

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