With freedom of the press and the right to free speech very much in the news Brendan Hoban questions, in his weekly column in the Western People, ‘why I should continue to buy or even to read a paper that so consistently belittles my religion.’
Today we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord: it’s the last day of the Christmas season.
The baptism of Jesus marked the end of his quiet years in Nazereth and the start of his public ministry.
Seamus Ahearne osa offers a refection at the end of the Christmas season.
Brendan Hoban, in the Western People, advises that we need to listen to what Pope Francis is saying. Francis means what he says. His plain speaking in the scathing demolition of the assembled curia in his pre-Christmas address left no room for dilution through interpretation, translation or contextualisation.
Nor should we be distracted from his message by the speculative kite of a Papal visit being hoisted aloft. Such a visit is ‘exactly what the Irish Church doesn’t need at present.’
Homily of Pope Francis for the Epiphany. Francis tells his congregation that “The wise men are thus models of conversion to the true faith, since they believed more in the goodness of God than in the apparent splendour of power.”
On this feast of the Epiphany we celebrate the revelation of who Christ is. The visit of the three wise men reminds us that Jesus came as the Saviour of all nations, including ours. We worship God who wants all people to be saved.
Again emphasizing the global nature of the church Pope Francis has named 15 new Cardinals from 13 countries.
Interestingly Francis has also called a two day meeting of all Cardinals on February 12 and 13 to discuss proposals for the reform of the Roman Curia.
We gather to celebrate the first Sunday of 2015, with thankfulness for the year just gone. We ask God for continuing care and protection as face this New Year, not knowing what it will bring.
Now the busyness of Christmas is winding down, there’s time today to stop. And to wonder at the mystery.
Pádraig McCarthy
In his weekly Western People column Brendan Hoban thanks God for another Christmas season almost done and for being able to face another new year. ‘There’s nothing like a serious illness when the future hangs in the balance to give you a sense of the precious breadth and delicious texture of the ordinary bits and pieces of life.’
On this first Sunday after Christmas, we honour the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. We entrust our families to their patronage, and pray for all who have been part of our families, those still alive and those whom we hope have joined the great family of God in heaven.
Wishing you every blessing this Christmas
The official translation is now available at http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/december/documents/papa-francesco_20141222_curia-romana.html.
The introduction says, “Francis received in audience the Cardinals and the Superiors of the Roman Curia for Christmas greetings.” Francis mentions “brothers and sisters” at the beginning!
Pádraig McCarthy
Reports from Rome suggest Pope Francis delivered a Christmas message with a bite to the Roman Curia. We carry the report from the National Catholic Reporter by Joshua J McElwee.
Brendan Hoban, in his Western People column, offers a seasonal reflection.
“Christmas is a strange time. It has a funny way of creating an empty space
around us. Despite the hype, Christmas has a way of stripping our lives down
to the essentials. In the midst of Christmas cheer, a small thin voice
insists on posing a series of difficult questions: what does it all mean? Am
I happy? what is my life for? how can I satisfy that itch within me? how can
I satisfy that part of me that nothing seems to satisfy? “
On the dark wet windy shortest day of 2014 Tony Flannery shares some thoughts saying that “Of the three great Christian virtues, faith, hope and love, I have always considered that hope is the most important of all.”
Advent is drawing to a close, so we have just a few days left to prepare for the birth of Christ. On this Sunday, we’re invited to follow Mary’s example and imitate her faith.
Was 25 December chosen to celebrate the birth of Jesus in order to “Christianise” a pagan festival, or could it be the other way around?
Pádraig McCarthy
Tony Conry is a missionary priest working in Brazil. Tony suggests that we can and should be creative in making up our own homespun blessings because ‘the English language robbed us of our Celtic heritage and gave us all a sterile cold communications system bereft of all emotional warmth and spiritual nourishment.’
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