Séamus Ahearne: The Hungry, the Good, the Bad and Indi…
The Hungry Grass! The Tolka and the Olympics: I went down to the Tolka very early this morning. The timing coincided with the moment of my sister Maura’s death, 23…
The Hungry Grass! The Tolka and the Olympics: I went down to the Tolka very early this morning. The timing coincided with the moment of my sister Maura’s death, 23…
From Gript.ie… The government had told Catholic leaders to postpone First Holy Communions and Confirmations earlier this summer. Gript.ie understands that the four Catholic archbishops of Ireland have written to…
Courtesy of www.katholisch.de Since last year the German bishops have been working on realigning priestly formation. Now 14 dioceses have decided to cooperate in the final training phase – and…
The death has been announced of Jesuit Bernd Hagenkord following an illness. Last October, Bernd was the ACP Zoom guest on the Synodal process underway in Germany – What Can the Irish Church Learn…
United with Christians all over the world, we acknowledge one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God as our Father. We worship as one family, and pray for greater charity and love among all the baptised.
• Today is World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
Click on the file below to listen to the audio of Synodality – a Call to Everyone ACI Zoom discussion – Thurs July 22nd 2021, 8.00 p.m. led by Dr…
The St John’s Bible, Minnesota La Croix July 16th 2021 We have, in our small village parish church, the seven volumes, all now commercially available, of the St. John’s Bible, the…
“What do you plan to do with your wild and precious life?” (M Oliver) A potpourri of tunes: The Shepherds got a hammering last weekend. My friend Augustine…
Synodality – a Call to Everyone ACI Zoom discussion – Thurs July 22nd 2021, 8.00 p.m. – led by: Professor Tom O’Loughlin As the priestly manpower crisis deepens in Ireland, the…
Our God is like a shepherd who always looks after the flock: the Lord cares for us in all our needs. Even when we are distressed by a new surge of COVID-19, our caring Lord is by our side.
We should be thanking God for Nphet Western People July 13th 2021 When James Geoghegan, the Fine Gael candidate in the recent Dublin Bay South byelection, was asked during a…
Vatican News reports: Pope Francis publishes a motu proprio on Friday to redefine the use of the pre-Vatican missal granting the decision to allow its use the local bishops. Groups…
(Editor’s note: Fresh comments have been received on this topic, including one from Adrian Egan from Ballyfermot Church, hence moving the issue back to the Homepage.) BALLYFERMOT LOCALS ARE holding…
The Divine in the Ordinary Amos and John Moriarty: John Moriarty came to mind last weekend as I listened to Amos. The maverick and the whimsical struck me. Somehow I…
America Magazine reports: Washington, Colorado and Oregon are now among the U.S. states that have legalized the process of converting human bodies into soil, a procedure the Catholic Church said fails…
Nuns are collateral damage of Leo’s games Western People 6th July 2021 Do I think that the new maternity hospital costing €800,000,000 of taxpayers’ money should be built on land…
America Magazine reports: The Third Plenary Council of Baltimore concluded in December 1884. Among its results was the standardized catechism known to generations of Catholics as the Baltimore Catechism. This meeting…
God has blessed us in very many ways: God has showered grace upon us. During today’s gathering, we give thanks to the Lord for all we have received.
• Sunday 11 July marks the 100th anniversary of the Truce that ended the War of Independence in Ireland. Accordingly, today is the National Day of Commemoration of those who died in past wars or on service of the United Nations.
Root & Branchers have journeyed together for a year, discerning our way forward to our inclusive, Lay-led Synod in September. Now we invite you to our last two events before…
RTÉ reports: A Kerry priest plans to use a drone to broadcast outdoor Masses in local cemeteries this month. Fr Patsy Lynch will pilot the drone himself while streaming Mass…
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