
Return from Exile

On Friday 1 May, the government launched its “Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business.” It proposes, in phase 4, the opening of “religious and places of worship where social distancing can be maintained.” The date planned for this is 20 July.
This means we have nearly three more months before opening our places of worship. What will we do with that time?
Pádraig McCarthy hopes to stimulate reflection and discernment.

Time to talk to someone…

Chris McDonnell writing in the Catholic Times reminds us that despite the many forms in which the written word can be expressed ” it is the spoken word that is our basic currency of exchange.”
“In our own times, we have been continually reminded by Francis that conversation is important, that listening is part of understanding. That is why within parishes open conversation leads to involvement and pastoral care, one for another. …. we must not give up seeking conversation that is honest and purposeful.”

Corpus Christi

The experience of Corpus Christi in Portugal, still celebrated on Thursday and a state holiday, gets Seamus Ahearne thinking; “The Feast is evocative. The past. The Procession. The dressed-up windows. The Monstrance. The Communion children. That big heavy cope. Relics of old decency. I wonder now what it all meant and means.”
…. “The feast of Corpus Christi screams at us: Don’t be minimalist in what is celebrated at The Table of Life”

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