
Séamus Ahearne: What would the world be, once bereft,  Of wet and of wildness? Let them be left, O let them be left, wildness and wet; Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet. (Inversnaid by Gerard Manley Hopkins, quoted by Michael Longley)

Weekend 17/18th August-Proverbs 9:1-6 Wisdom is building a house and then erecting a sign, with an invitation for all the ignorant and foolish to come along. The language is strong…

Australian Catholic Coalition for Church Reform – John Warhurst: Passing generation of Vatican II clergy

Australasian Catholic Coalition for Church ReformPassing generation of Vatican II clergyJohn Warhurst Yet another religious order or congregation leaves our diocese. A much-loved Vatican II-inspired archbishop dies. Our parish priest…

Brendan Hoban’s reply to Eugene Duffy’s ‘Furrow’ article (June edition) on the merging of dioceses in the west. Brendan’s article appeared in the July edition

There is little with which I would disagree in Eugene Duffy’s assessment (in the June Furrow) of the limited and unsynodal process that led to the recent decisions to move…

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